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“I’ll be right back.”

I groan as she slips from the bed. My hand darts out to grab her wrist. “I think you should stay right here.”

Katrina giggles. Goddamn I love that sound. It’s light and magical. It’s like sunlight when she laughs. I’d forgotten about this part of life. It’s not just that I went without sex when I gave up on dating years ago. I went without the intimacy, too. And that’s been gone from my life for a very long time.

Maryanne left me long before she died. I mean she was here, but not really. The intimacy was gone years before drugs took the spark from her eyes and the pulse from her heart. Ours was never a perfect marriage anyways. But it did give me my Bellamy.

This, whatever this is, feels different. This feels real like I’ve never felt before. It’s been a week since the pool house. For a solid week, I’m not sure I’ve left my bed, much less my room. I’ve had food brought up and left at the door. I’ve directed business over the phone. Hell, at one point yesterday I had to struggle through a firm discussion on territory boundaries with a few of my captains… all while Katrina bounced that tight little ass up and down my dick.

I know what this could look like. I know people could look at a man of my age and influence, and a girl Katrina’s age and see what they want. But I know in my heart it’s not like that. She may be almost half my age, and still so damn innocent. But there’s a wiseness to her. There’s an old soul in her that resonates with me.

At some point, we’ll have to leave this bedroom. But right now, I’m too happy to let that happen. I’m happier than I’ve been in decades, to be honest. And I don’t much feel like letting that go.

Katrina giggles when I tug her back into bed. She falls on top of me. My hands slide over her and grip her tight.

“You know at some point I will have to go get some things from my own rooms.”

“Nonsense,” I shrug. “I’ll call Harry to do it.”

She laughs. “If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather it not be Harry that goes through my dresser for new panties.”

I grin and shrug. “I fail to see why you’d need panties at all. Or any clothes for that matter.”

Katrina grins. She leans down to kiss me. “So I’ll just spend forever in your bed, naked?”

“That’s the general idea, yeah,” I growl. I’ve just finished making her come on my dick not five minutes go. But I’m already ready to go again. My thickness swells against her bare stomach, and she gasps.

“Are you really…”

“I blame you.”

She grins. She kisses me again, but then she squirms away. “Let me just go freshen up and get some stuff, okay? I’ll be gone five minutes. And then…” she blushes. Her eyes drop to my thickening cock.

She pulls away from my arms and stands. She plucks my dress shirt from the floor and slips it on. I watch her button it up. Christ, she’s so much smaller than me that it’s basically a bathrobe on her.

“I’ll be right back,” she smiles and blows me a kiss. Damn, there’s something about the little hint of accent in her voice that drives me fucking wild. I watch her saunter from the room, and I grin. A week ago, she was a timid little mouse. Now, it’s like she’s turned into this confident little seductress.

When she steps out, I sigh and lean back in the bed. I check some messages on my phone. Then I call Dominic to check in on some stuff. Vincent and Bellamy are still on vacation, at my insistence. But Dom has seriously stepped up. I’ve got other captains who are older and who’ve been with the family longer. But there’s a hunger in that kid that resonates with me. He reminds me of Vincent when he was younger. Hell, he reminds me of myself.

“All good, Mr. Genovese,” he grunts. “We had a sit down with the Puerto Ricans this morning about the dispute over the bookies on 3rdavenue.”


He hesitates. “I hope it was okay, Mr. Genovese. I know you’ve been busy this week…”

I smirk to myself. Yeah, busy. Busy making Katrina come every fucking way I can think of.

“I took the liberty of coming up with a split that I think will make both us and the Diaz family happy. Hector Diaz himself seemed pretty open to it, actually.”

I nod. “Good. That’s good, Dom, thank you.”

“I would have run it by you—”

“No, that’s fine,” I grunt. “I like the initiative.”
