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“Katrina,” I growl. Her eyes dart up to mine from her phone. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing,” she blurts all too quickly. “It’s nothing. Forget it, okay?”

The phone dings again. She looks down at the screen. Her face pales. Okay, fuck this. I’m not trying to be controlling. I don’twantto distrust her. But I’ve gotten to where I am by being cautious. I’m at the top because I don’t ignore the little warning signs of life.

I grab the phone from her hand.

“Michael, wait!!”

Her text screen is open. My eyes land on the message that just came through. It just says, “do it.” My eyes drag higher up the conversation. The contact isn’t saved, but the message before it makes my blood chill. It says “do it today. Plant the devices in his office.” Then there’s a response from her in Russian. Then the one that just came through that says, “do it.”

My fury rises. My jaw tenses painfully, and I slowly drag my eyes up to her. Katrina looks terrified. Her face is pale, her eyes wide. Her lip trembles.


“What device,” I snarl quietly.

“Micheal, it’s not what you…”

“What device!!” I roar.

Katrina trembles. She looks absolutely terrified. “It’s… I can’t tell you.”

I snarl. “You damn well can,” I hiss. “Right the fuck now!”

Her eyes well with tears. “Please, he’ll…”

“Who,” I snap. I’m beyond angry. I feel betrayed. Stabbed in the back.

“Pavel,” she says quietly. “My uncle’s advisor.”

“And what fucking device does he want you to put in my goddamn office?”

She shakes her head. “I—I can’t…”

“Yeah, you damn well can,” I growl.

She starts to cry. It breaks my heart, but I steel myself. My anger carries me through the hurt of seeing her like this.

“A listening device,” she blurts. “He wants to spy on you, but Micheal! Please! I couldn’t tell you! He said he’d hurt you if I—”

“He already did,” I snap. Fury explodes through me. “By sendingyouinto my life to turn it upside down.”

“Please…” she sobs. “Please, you have to understand…”

“I understand perfectly,” I hiss. I turn and march for the door. Walking away from her feels like taking a bullet. But I have to stay strong. Betrayal is betrayal. A stab in the back is still a stab.

“Micheal! Please! Wait!”

I whirl at the door to her quarters. “You wanted to play wife?!” I snap. “You wanted to pretend to be mine?”

“I didn’t pretend anything…!”

“Well now you’re mine, alright,” I snap. “My fucking prisoner.”

I slam the door shut. My heart races. I turn, and I storm down the hall to my room.

