Page 18 of Cherished

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I hold him tighter than anything I’ve ever held onto before. I never want this to end, and I never want to leave this new life I’ve found. Not ever.



Once isn’t enoughto satiate my lust for this girl. Hell, a million times wouldn’t be. But after twice more in my bed, once in the shower, and once more on my kitchen counter, we finally push the pause button.

I’ve got Mia in my lap in one of the big Adirondack chairs by the fire pit. It’s exactly where she belongs, perched on top of me, in my arms. We’re naked, of course, and I can feel her tight ass nestled tight against me while the fire crackles. It’s perfect; a slice of heaven. And I don’t want this to ever end.

Mia turns in my arms and kisses me softly. She pulls back, and those pretty blue eyes search mine. Her curiosity makes my heart beat faster. Seeing the way the wheels turn inside her head captivates me.

“Why can’t you leave?” She finally asks gently. “I mean, I know why you can’t. I guess I mean, is there really no way out of it? There’s not some kind of loophole? Nothing?”

I smile. There was no way this wasn’t going to come out. And I love that she can tell I’ve held back. She knows there’s more to this, because she’s damn smart. I’m going to tell her, too. I know there’s a chance it’ll send her running. But I won’t start this thing between us with lies or half-truths. I want it all from her, and I want to hold back nothing.

“There’s a caveat,” I say slowly.

Her eyes widen, and she smiles in delight. “Hunter! What is it?! Tell me!”

I smile and lean close to kiss her. “It’s a family emergency clause. If, say, my parents were still alive, and my father was sick. I could leave for that.”

She frowns. “Oh. That’s it?”

“Well…” I take her hands in mine. “It’s all family, and the definition of ‘emergency’ is actually loose. If I had a brother who said he needed me around for emotional reasons, for example, that would count.”

She thinks for a second, her lip worrying between her teeth. Then she looks up at me. “How does it define ‘all family?’”

Yeah, she’s smart as hell. “Anything. Parents, grandparents, siblings, cousins, you name it. Except I’m an only child of two deceased parents with no living parents of their own, and no siblings of their own.” I smile thinly. “The Leery family tree is unfortunately a bit thin as this point. I’ve looked into a few thrice-removed cousins, but it’s too distant to make a case.”

She nods, sucking on her lip. Then she turns to me with a spark in her eyes. “And a wife? Would that count?”

My heart surges, and I can’t stop myself from cupping her chin and kissing her hard. I just do, because I love that her head went there so instantly.

She giggles when I pull away. “Am I right?”

I nod slowly. “You’re right.”

“Well?!” She arches her brows sharply. “So get married, Hunter!”

“It’s not quite that simple. It’s like if you married someone for a green card. You don’t just say I do and that’s it. They look into it with a microscope. Believe me, I’ve thought of just paying someone, as much as I dislike the idea. But my enemies would tear it apart until they found the truth. And if they did, it’s an automatic forfeiture for attempted fraud.”

She pouts. “This is so unfair.”

“Well,” I smile and draw her close. “It did bring you to me, in a way.”

She smiles back and moans when I kiss her. But they she frowns again. “It’s still so unfair. I mean how are you supposed to meet someone if you can’t go outside…”

She stops suddenly, and I watch the wheels turning in her head. I know what I want. I know that more than anything, I want that person to be her. Even if none of this was a factor, and I was flat broke, and hadn’t invented my damn invention. I’d still want her to be mine forever as my wife.

But with the circumstances being what they are, I can’t heap that on her. She’d probably even say yes, but that’s not a choice I can lay at her feet. She’s too young for a decision like that. I mean she’s nineteen for Christ’s sake. I can’t ask her to choose the rest of her life, right now, for me. No matter how much I want to.


“Yeah, sweetheart?” I growl gently.

“Why did you bring me here?”

I smile. “I told you. Because I was watching you, and I saw what was happening. Because I can’t abide good people being taken advantage of.”
