Page 4 of Cherished

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“If he does, you won’t be here.” I know what I’m doing now. It’s a bad idea, but it’s happening. “Come with me.”

She looks at me, bewildered. “What?”

“I live across the street. Come.”

She frowns. “Sorry, what?”

“The building across from yours. I live there, on the top floor.”

She stares at me. “That’s you?”

“You’ll be safe there.” I glance at my watch. I’ve been gone twelve minutes. Time is ticking. “Come on.”

She blinks quickly. Her little soft pink tongue darts out to wet her plump lips, and she pushes a lock of blonde hair away from her pretty face. Something tells me, this girl is going to be my fucking ruin.

“I don’t know who you are,” she says quietly. “I don’t know your name.”

“Hunter,” I grunt.

Slowly, she smiles. “I’m Mia.”

My eyes drop down her small body, and they harden when they see her right leg. She’s bleeding, and the skin looks pink like it’s been burned. “Let me,” I murmur. I move into her and she gasps when I simply lean down and scoop her into my arms. Jesus, it’s like she weighs nothing at all.

“Wait, I…” She takes a gasping breath, and her eyes swivel to mine. She’s so close, and her body is so fucking soft and smooth and warm beneath my touch. Her bare legs drape over one forearm, and her long hair teases the other one. “I can walk,” she says gently.

“Maybe,” I growl. “But you don’t have to.”

I set her down for one moment outside the apartment to tug the door back into place. I’ll call a guy I know to fix it later. I scoop her back into my arms, and we head down the stairs of her building.

Out of her world, and into mine.



“This place is incredible!”

The entrance to the building was gorgeous. The elevator was lavish. But now that I’m inside his enormous penthouse, my jaw drops. It’s better than beautiful or elegant. The place is absolutely stunning.

I follow him inside, past a huge open kitchen that looks like it belongs in a five-star restaurant. We walk past a sunken living room with a big hewn-rock fireplace against the wall. I step funny, and I wince with a hiss. Instantly, Hunter whirls back to me with a concerned look worrying his handsome face.

“Your leg is hurt,” he growls. His voice is like this rumbling sound that I can literally feel inside of me. It’s like the vibrations of his words actually physically affect me, and it’s not a bad thing.

“I’m fine,” I lie. I look down and see that my leg is actually cut in a few places from the broken porcelain. And it stings and burns where the tea scalded me.

“You’re not fine,” he says with a small smile. His cold blue eyes flick to mine, and I feel my face redden.

“Come with me.”

I start to protest again, but Hunter turns to me again and just picks me up. Just like that, like this is something we do all the time. My heart flutters, and something throbs deep inside of me. I tremble in his arms as he strides out through a sliding glass door into his lush garden oasis.

“This isgorgeous!” I gasp in awe. I’m sure I look like a yokel just ogling his place with my mouth hanging open.

“It’s my world,” Hunter says in his deep, resonating voice.

“It’d be mine too,” I say breathlessly. The outdoor space looked amazing from below. Now that I’m here, it’s like walking into a little slice of paradise. There are trees all over—lush Dogwoods, red Japanese Maples, and gorgeous Cherry Blossoms. Raised planters of tumbling flowers and vegetables are arranged artfully to create this gorgeous gravel path across the roof garden. And string lights hang across the whole place and climb around branches of the trees, making it feel like a fairy paradise.

But Hunter says nothing in response. He just tightens his jaw and looks away.
