Page 13 of Madd Love

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“Why don’t you come with us?” One of the security duo lays a hand on my shoulder.

I straighten and crack my neck from side to side. “Doctor, I think it might be time that we let my wife rest, don’t you?”

“You’re correct,” the doctor says. “It’s time you all leave.”

I shake off the security guard’s hold and turn to Nicole. “After you.”

Nicole’s face grows pinched before she walks out of the room with her greasy lawyer. I follow with my entourage of security guards.

“You are going to rue the day you tried to take my daughter from me, you cocky little upstart,” Nicole snaps at me the moment the door to Ivy’s room is closed. She stands so close that there’s barely breathing room between us. “You stay away from her.”

“Five hundred feet,” Nathaniel reminds me. “Next time we will have you arrested.”

“You know this is bullshit,” I say. “So how come you’re going along with it? What’s in it for you?”

He swallows and his gaze hardens before he appraises me coolly. “Get him out of here.”

“All right, let’s go.” The first security guard starts to manhandle me toward the exit. The second man mirrors him on my other side.

“You can take your hands off me.” I try to shrug them off. “I’m going.”

Once we’re in the elevator they let me go.

“You’re Rogue Maddox,” one of them says as we descend.

“Uh-huh.” I stare straight ahead at the line in the doors. Surely they understand I’m not really in the mood to chat, considering my woman almost died tonight and now I have a restraining order to deal with. And there is still no sign of Adira. Where the hell is he?

“It’s just… my girlfriend is your biggest fan,” he says. “We’ve seen every one of your movies. And Rebel’s too.”

“Great. Thank you.” I force myself not to snap at the man. He was only doing his job when he escorted me off the ward Ivy’s on. My real problem is with Ivy’s mother.

When Adira finally shows his face, I’ll find a way to circumvent every hurdle this wretched woman tries to put between us. If she thinks I’ll just let her walk in here and take over and I won’t put up a fight, she has no clue who she’s dealing with and how far I’ll go for my girl.

“Yeah, sometimes she likes to pretend it’s you when we’re going at it.”

The first guy chokes on his own tongue and starts to cough into his fist. “Jesus, Pete.”

Despite how fucked up these past couple days have been, for a second my lips twitch. “It’s not the first time I’ve heard that.”

“I bet,” Pete says. “I can’t wait to tell her that you’re married.”

“If you could hold off on that.” It might be hard to walk back my little snafu about Ivy being my wife if the media get wind of it. “We were trying to keep it from the media so we could enjoy it for a little while. But after tonight…”

“Sure,” Pete says. “But it’ll cost you.”

“What will it cost me, Pete?” I clench my jaw.

“An autograph for my girlfriend. And a photo.”

I’m exhausted and couldn’t crack a smile for anything less than Ivy tucked up in my bed. “I’m covered in blood.”

Pete’s eyes widen as he gives me the old up and down. “Oh, yeah. Just the signature then.”

Chapter Five


RebelandRiotbothstand as security escorts me past them.
