Page 19 of Controlled

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Gradually the flames began to cool. They were still intense, yet no longer painful.

She concentrated on the brutal slide of his big cock. It felt uncomfortable, but the sting had receded. She shifted restlessly beneath him. She wanted to move with him, participate rather than simply being used by her master.

He rocked back onto his knees, pulling her hips up in the process. “Hands and knees. Now!” He slapped her ass when she didn’t move fast enough.

Flora folded her legs beneath her and extended her arms. His cock felt even bigger in this position and she sucked in a ragged breath. Draven reached beneath her and squeezed her breasts. “Now you’re going to come on my cock.” He pinched her nipples, then twisted them, sending pain ricocheting through her chest.

She tossed her hair back and cried out, her pussy rippling needfully. The rhythmic tightening made her ass feel even fuller, if that were possible. “May I rub my clit, please? I don’t think I can come like this.”

“No,” he growled and pinched her nipples even harder. “You will do as you’re told and take what I give you.” He punished her nipples as he thrust into her ass. And the heat inside her faded even more.

His long, powerful strokes soon had her arousal building. She surrendered to the pain, accepting without understanding. Her senses simmered. She was lost in a haze of pain and heat. She needed to come and no longer cared how she got there. Draven clearly knew what he was doing, so she surrendered to his mastery.

He moved one of his hands down her body and gave her pussy a firm slap. “I said come!”

“I’m trying,” she snapped.

He spanked her pussy twice, harder than before. “Watch your tone.”

She started to apologize, but the discomfort triggered her stubborn orgasm. She cried out, shaking helplessly as deep spasms of sensation pulsed through her lower body. Her pussy clenched hard, tightening her bottom around his cock. The more she surrendered to his control, the more completely the fire subsided. She could still sense the flames, but they were banked now,controlled.

Draven’s fingers settled over her slit, then one eased between her folds and covered her clit. He wasn’t really caressing her, but the rocking of her body rubbed her against his finger. She moaned, grateful for the compromise.

“Does my little mate like having her ass fucked by her controller?” The dark challenge in his tone made it obvious that he would not tolerate dishonesty.

“Yes, Master D,” she admitted in a whisper. “I don’t want to like this, but it feels incredible.”

He rewarded her by rubbing her clit. He thrust harder and faster, so the conventional stimulation was welcome. Her pussy ached from his slaps and the emptiness inside her was painful. She couldn’t help thinking how much better it would feel if Noratu was fucking her too.

“Soon, greedy mate,” Draven whispered. “You will have both of us soon.”

Not even caring that he’d read her mind, she arched her back and lifted her hips, reveling in the possessive thrust of his body. He moved both hands back to her hips as his thrusts came fast and hard. Her breasts jiggled and her clit twitched, immediately missing the caress of his fingers. He drew her hands to the small of her back, controlling her completely.

She eagerly followed where he led. None of this made sense, but everything they did just seemed to work. She trusted his strength to keep her face from smacking into the bed. The fire simmered, present yet no longer painful.

Her next orgasm hit spontaneously. She cried out sharply as reality blurred. He carefully lowered her to the bed and spread her arms out to the sides. He pushed his entire length into her and shuddered against her back. A hot rush deep inside her told her he finally found release. His weight was lifted off her as the fullness inside her eased.

She lay there stunned and floating in blissful surrender as the Altorian Flame simmered. She still sensed the energy. It was potent, potentially destructive, yet waiting. Waiting for her to release it, she realized with a start.

Panting harshly, she rolled to her side and looked around. Draven sat beside her, his back pressed against the wall. She looked at him, feeling dazed and sleepy. “Am I a conduit now?”

“You tell me.” He reached over and took her hand, a surprisingly gentle impulse. “Look inward. What do you sense?”

“Power,” she admitted. “So much power.”

“We will teach you how to use that power, how to release it.”

She had so many questions and concerns, but she was too tired to voice them.

Draven got off the bed and lifted her long enough for Noratu to pull down the bedding. Then he returned her to the mattress and covered her with a sheet. “Rest. We’ll reach Altor by morning. You will soon be home.”


“Is it done?” Azar asked as Draven and Noratu stepped into his cabin.

“It’s done,” Draven assured him, feeling surprisingly conflicted about the outcome. “Flora’s power is undeniable, but her spirit is incredibly strong. It will take many weeks to break her completely.” They walked across the cabin and joined the general in the living area. Azar sat in one of the chairs, so Draven and Noratu sat on the sofa facing him.

It was hard to look at Azar while images of his daughter were still so clearly, and erotically, etched in his mind. Her lovely face was flushed, green eyes luminous with passion and pleasure as he slid in and out of her mouth. Her full breasts bounced and swayed, the nipples deep pink from his firm pinches while he fucked her soft, wet pussy. And her ass. The nicely rounded cheeks turned the most amazing shade of pink as he spanked her. Soon she would submit to his flogger or a strap. She would accept whatever he deemed necessary to tame her wild spirit.
