Page 24 of Controlled

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His golden gaze moved over her face, assessing her. “I didn’t realize you wanted more time alone with us.”

Not yet ready to discuss her feelings, she asked, “Is there some sort of instructor or do you and Draven train me?” She shivered. Many would consider what they had been doing since leaving Earth a form of training. She didn’t even know enough about the coming situation to ask intelligent questions.

“We will be nearby, but conduits are mentored by older, experienced conduits. We will share meals and spend each evening together, but your days will be focused on learning to control your abilities.”

Her only response was a nod. She was ready for a few moments alone.

He reached into a compartment to the left of the sink and withdrew a jar of cream like the one they had used on her earlier. “Apply this after you have showered. It will ease the ache.”

She nodded again, but didn’t drop the sheet until he left the bathroom. The hot water felt amazing on her tired muscles. The cream felt even better. She refused to think about all the places that required soothing or the activities that had resulted in the tenderness. Instead, she focused on the changes she sensed in herself. She didn’t understand the power they had unleashed, but she could feel it. Like a gathering storm, energy churned at the edges of her mind, potent and restless.

Feeling a bit more prepared to face the next challenge, she finger-combed her hair, wrapped the towel around her body and walked out into the bedroom. Noratu had placed a folded garment on the corner of the bed. On top of the garment was a grooming utensil. One side was obviously a brush, but the other had strange curving protrusions. She dragged the brush through her damp hair, then mustered the courage and turned it over. The other side worked incredibly well to detangle her long hair. She worked the thick mass into a simple braid then turned her attention to the clothing Naruto had left for her.

She picked up the folded garment and shook it out. It was a calf-length dress of forest green. The banded waist tied in the back and short fluttery sleeves gave the simple style a feminine flair. He’d provided slip-on sandals but nothing resembling underwear. If the Citadel was a training center, why did she need to go around half naked?

She dressed and moved closer to the room divider. There was no door, just an open space between the partition and the adjacent wall. She couldn’t see through the divider, but she heard nothing indicating that Noratu was still in the cabin. Steadying herself with a deep breath, she leaned out and peeked into the living room. Noratu sat in one of the strange, armless chairs. Three-dimensional images hovered over his legs. He manipulated some while others simply scrolled by in a continual flow of symbols she didn’t understand. There was no visible projector, no device nearby. How were the images being formed?

Her gaze drifted back to his face, finding him much more interesting than Altorian technology. His skin had lost the metallic sheen that had developed while they had sex. He was still more golden than any human, but she found his appearance intriguing. His multicolored hair reminded her of autumn leaves. No, flames. All the colors found in fire were trapped within the strands of his hair.

The link they had created when they claimed her was still active. She could sense Noratu and Draven. Their energy flowed in a continuous loop, melding and mixing with hers. Occasionally, a stray emotion would register in her mind. She wasn’t sure if they were intentionally shielding their thoughts and feelings or if they were simply calm right now.

“Feel better?” he asked without looking up.

Embarrassed to be caught spying on him, she cleared her throat and moved out from behind the partition. “Much better, thank you.”

He finished whatever he was doing then deactivated the display. “We should arrive within the hour.”

Feeling awkward and restless, she crossed the cabin and sat down facing him. “Do you and Draven live at the Citadel or will we be commuting from Altor?”

“Draven and I own property on Altor, but our triad will be issued an apartment at the Citadel until you complete your training.”

“And what do you guys do when you’re not at the Citadel?” She was anxious to learn more about them. If this power triad worked out, they would spend the rest of their lives together. The thought startled her. She had known these males less than a day. How could she even think about forever?

“Draven owns a private security company,” Noratu told her. “He also assesses each male applicant, determining which are worthy of a mentor and which do not possess adequate natural talent. President Zevon would love for Draven to become a fulltime trainer, but his security company requires too much of his time.”

“President Zevon?”

“He is head of the board of governors, the governing body in charge of the Citadel.”

She figured that’s what he meant, but wasn’t taking anything for granted. “And you? How do you spend your time?”

His head tilted and his brows lowered. He seemed concerned by her interest. Was it unusual on Altor to want to know about a sexual partner’s life? Maybe her curiosity was considered extremely rude. She was about to ask him if she had overstepped when he answered her question.

“My family has diverse interests, but I am most actively involved in our technology companies.”

Multiple companies with diverse interests? Just how rich was Noratu’s family? She’d never been impressed by wealth before, but then she had never actually known anyone who was rich.

She shook away the distraction and focused on the male who claimed to be her mate, or one of her mates. She wanted to know about Noratu, not his family. “Did you want to be part of a triad or was it expected of you?”

“I applied to the Citadel because I was curious about my abilities and I knew it would annoy my parents. Isn’t that what every sixteen-year-old wants?”

“It certainly is on Earth. How did your parents take it when the Citadel accepted you?”

His gaze settled on her face, his expression open and friendly. “My parents love me and eventually supported my decision, but it took years before they understood that I have a mind and a will of my own.”

“Do you have siblings?” She was trying to picture his family, what life had been like in the Skore household.

“I have three younger sisters. I am the only son.”
