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“That’s a start, I suppose.”

She would give him more if she could, but he’d asked for honesty. “What is going to happen to my sisters?”

“They are being returned to their families.” Before she could point out that their ‘families’ were complete strangers to them, he added, “I will monitor both situations to make sure they are being treated respectfully.”

Being treated lovingly would have been better than respectfully, but she would take what she could get. “And may I say goodbye to them as well?”

“Of course.” He pulled her to her feet and motioned toward the door.


The next three weeks passed in a blur for Flora. As Noratu promised, she had been allowed to see her family members briefly before leaving the ship. Her feelings about her grandmother were still conflicted, so their conversation had been strained. Iris asked what they made her do in exchange for dropping the charges against her. Flora refused to answer and Iris had been ushered away. Seeing her sisters had been less awkward, but even more rushed. Flora hugged them, assured them that she was okay, and then they’d boarded separate shuttles. Flora hadn’t seen them since.

Arriving at the Citadel had been exciting. Flora had never seen a spaceship dock before. The interior, however, was a disappointment. With long, narrow corridors and shabby furnishings, the complex was not at all what she’d expected. Wanting her to have some time to adjust, her mates took her to their apartment where they spent a quiet evening together.

The following morning, Draven escorted her to a lower level for her first training session. She’d pictured a gymnasium or a dojo. Instead, her mentor waited in a comfortable lounge. With silver-blonde hair and pastel-blue eyes, Nadis was unassuming, almost serene. She was soft-spoken and patient. Flora liked her immediately.

The days passed quickly as they worked on breathing exercises, visualizations, and meditation techniques. Today they stood at the far end of the lounge away from the chairs and tables. Adorned in a simple dress of forest green that was designed for comfort rather than attractiveness, Flora was practicing a challenging visualization. She had been at the Citadel ten days and Nadis had taught her how to calm her mind and control her instincts. Despite Flora’s newfound discipline, every time she closed her eyes this morning, images from the night before inundated her senses. Draven had been particularly aggressive and Noratu had been determined to drive her crazy. The combination had been intoxicating and exhausting. It was making it harder than usual for her to stay on task.

“Concentrate.” Warning sharpened Nadis’ tone.

“I’m trying,” she snapped, frustrated with herself.

“Remain respectful or your behavior will be reported to your mates.”

Flora took a deep breath and closed her eyes. A summary was transmitted to Draven and Noratu at the end of each training session. Flora’s fondness for profanity had earned her several spankings. Good reports were rewarded with pleasure while bad reports earned various forms of discipline. Last night’s report detailed a combination of good and bad behavior, which led to the marathon sexcapade that was distracting her now.

“I apologize.” Flora softened her tone and lowered her gaze. “I will try harder.”

“I try not to intrude while the soul bond is still solidifying, but this will make more sense if I guide you.”

Flora tensed and looked up. “Will you be able to see the images in my mind?” She couldn’t seem to banish the memories no matter how hard she tried. After using a strap on her backside, Draven had ordered her to lie flat on her back and open her legs. She’d expected him to kneel between her thighs and take advantage of the slickness the harsh spanking created, but he’d had something different in mind. He straddled her head and pinned her arms to the mattress while he fucked her mouth. She could still feel his long, hard cock sliding across her tongue and pushing well into her throat. As if that wasn’t dominating enough, Noratu lay between her thighs and used his mouth to cruelly arouse her. He brought her to the brink of orgasm again and again but never let her come. That was where the night began, but it had gone on for hours. By the time they let her sleep, all three of her openings were filled with cum and her entire body ached from their aggressive attentions.

A shiver dropped down Flora’s spine and her pussy clenched. She still found the thought of utter submission confusing, but her body reveled in it. The more aggressive her mates were, the harder she came and the more contented she felt afterward. “Can you guide me without seeing into my mind?”

Nadis smiled, her pale blue eyes shimmering. “I belong to a power triad also. I have two mates, just like you. There is no reason for your embarrassment. Now, lower your mental shields.”

Flora had learned how to shield her mind on the first day. Now sharing her thoughts and emotions was optional. The intimacy was wonderful, but there were times that she appreciated the privacy. She focused inward and found the psychic barrier protecting her mind and decreased the density. This was a courtesy. She had sensed Nadis’ power several times before. There was no doubt she could easily force her way through Flora’s shields. Asking permission was an example of her character. The more Flora interacted with her mentor, the more she liked her.

A moment later a concentrated stream of energy rolled into her mind. Flora gasped. The filament was compact and controlled, but Flora could feel the ocean of energy from which it flowed.

“Your mind naturally associates these sensations with water, so use those images,” Nadis suggested. “Locate your own energy. Separate it from mine.”

It took Flora several minutes and a few tries, but she found the tiny rivulet that was her newly released energy. It was little more than a ribbon of water running through a grassy meadow. She sighed, frustrated by the unimpressive nature of her gift.

Nadis chuckled, gently touching her arm. “That is not your gift, Flora. Follow the trickle. Let it lead you back to the source of your power.”

Intrigued, yet anxious, Flora walked along the grass, following the ribbon of water until it became a swift moving stream. The terrain gradually changed as well, the meadow giving way to forested hills. She hiked up one hill and down into a valley. The valley narrowed and deepened, the hills becoming steep, rocky cliffs.

“What do you hear?” Nadis prompted. “Use all of your senses. What do you smell, taste, and feel?”

Nadis was right. Flora had been completely focused on visual clues. She opened her mind to other inputs and gasped. “I can hear water rushing. No, it’s more than that.” She walked faster and the sound grew louder. The stream was much wider now. With a distinct current and visible rapids, the stream became a river. “I hear a waterfall.”

“Can you feel the sun on your skin? Is the air cool or muggy?”

“Cool, almost cold,” Flora told her as she jogged along the riverbank. “The air is fresh and crisp as if it’s about to rain.”

Flora rounded a bend and stared up at a waterfall at least one hundred feet above her head. It was not that wide, but water gushed over the cliff wall and tumbled down along the rocky wall to the pool below. The force of the water was breathtaking but she wasn’t sure why this image appeared in her mind.
