Page 41 of Controlled

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“It has been less than a month since we claimed her,” Draven pointed out. “Let’s give it another week or two. If things haven’t settled down by then, we will contact one of the physicians.”

Noratu nodded, but his features remained tense. “Did you read Nadis’ latest report?”

“I saw it in my comm-queue but haven’t had time to go through it. Is there a problem?”

“Just the opposite. According to Nadis, Flora is ready for the next phase of training.”

“If the fireballs she was about to throw at the guards are any indication, I would agree,” Draven concluded. “Our mate is ready for some real power.”

“That might have something to do with our restlessness,” Noratu supposed. “If we have other ways of releasing excess energy, perhaps we won’t need sex so badly.”

That explanation made as much sense as anything else. “Or maybe our mate is just addictive.”

Noratu smiled. “That is a distinct possibility too.”

President Zevon Raydo’s leadership style was no-nonsense and practical. He was a controller to the marrow of his bones. The president’s office, however, had been designed and furnished by his predecessor. Located along the outer wall of the center ring, the space was overly large and flashy, with floor-to-ceiling windows and extravagant light fixtures. Zevon’s neatly dressed assistant informed them that the president was occupied when they arrived, so Noratu sat down in the reception area. Draven walked over to the windows and took in the stunning view. Altor, with its three moons dominated the scene, but Torret was visible in the distance. The scene appeared vast yet peaceful, hardly a star system being torn apart by war.

“You can go in now,” the assistant told them a short time later. “President Zevon is expecting you.”

Draven had met Zevon during his time in the military. Both suspected they were controllers, but neither was in a hurry to make a lifelong commitment to the Citadel. Zevon made the move first and watching his success had helped Draven accept his fate. Draven liked the new president, but more important, Zevon had earned his respect.

Zevon stood in front of the wall display, hands clasped behind his back as Draven and Noratu entered. He deactivated the report he was perusing and turned around. His long, dark hair was bound at the nape of his neck, ensuring that the strands stay off his face. His skin was pale, nearly white. That was common for controllers, but Zevon’s eyes were gold rather than dark. He was described as dangerous more often than handsome. Still, he never lacked for female companionship.

“What can I do for you, gentlemen?” he greeted. “Is your triad any closer to functionality? I really need you three out there.”

“Flora’s mentor just cleared her for intermediate training, so we are one step closer,” Draven told him.

“Good. And how is she adapting? The human mindset can be challenging to overcome.”

“We both enjoy challenges,” Noratu assured him. “And Flora is remarkable.”

“Apparently. Nadis continually sings the praises of her new apprentice, and Nadis is not easy to impress.” He motioned toward the table on the other side of the office. “So, what did you think of the new applicants? Did anyone pique your interest?”

“They all seemed pretty ordinary except for Cylex…” Draven looked at Noratu. “What was his last name?”

“I think it was Bekar.”

Zevon’s brows drew together and wariness gleamed in his golden eyes. “Cylex is a Torretian name.”

“A Torretian soldier seduced his mother,” Noratu explained. “Cylex was raised on Altor, would likely be there still had it not been for his mother’s death.”

Zevon stroked his chin, his expression still tense. “What happened when she died?”

“He was sent to live with his father on Torret,” Draven admitted, but rushed on. “Soon afterward, he joined the military and served through—”

“Theirs or ours?”

“Ours. I will personally verify his service record and all the other things he told us, but I wanted to make sure his lineage wasn’t a nonstarter before I spent a lot of time digging into his past.”

“I have been thinking about repealing the Torretian prohibition. I never agreed with punishing the entire population for the behavior of their emperor. Some of the most powerful triads in history were Torretian Tempests. I think the Citadel benefits greatly from their participation.”

“I’m glad you feel that way because our mate has Torretian blood.”

Draven snapped his head toward Noratu. This was the first he’d heard about it. “You suspect or you know?”

“I sensed it the first time I touched her mind, but with the help of an investigator, I was able to identify three of her relatives who have Torretian roots. Her maternal grandfather was a pure blood.”

Zevon rested his forearms on the table, looking slightly uncomfortable. “Azar Turin has commed me three times insisting that he be allowed to speak with Flora’s mentor. Apparently, Nadis blocked all communications from him years ago. Anyway, Azar insists that Flora’s mother was capable of power exchange and he believes Flora is too. I didn’t take him seriously. Thought he was looking for a way to be involved in Citadel business again. It sounds like there might be something to his claims.”
