Page 54 of Controlled

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She walked into a cozy living room with a wet bar along one wall. Beyond the living room, the ceiling slanted dramatically, creating an arched hallway. Now the strange roofline made sense. The hallway ran the entire length of the house. Light, airy rooms were situated to either side of the passage, but there were also fully enclosed rooms and halls leading to other parts of the house.

“It’s lovely.” She looked at Noratu to make sure he understood how much she liked it. “This is much nicer than anywhere I’ve ever lived.” A faint smile relaxed his expression and she could sense his emotions again. “Why were you worried that I wouldn’t like it?”

“We have been monitoring human media ever since we learned that you might be on Earth. There seems to be a growing resentment of wealth.”

“Most humans want more than they have, so they complain about those who have more than they do. I’m as guilty of it as anyone else. I insist that the rich could do more while I covet the freedom and comfort found in financial security. Ignore what the cyber trolls say. This,” she motioned around her, “is a dream come true.”

His smile brightened. “If anything does not please you, we can change it. This is your home too.”

Draven chuckled. “He did not make that offer to me.”

“I am still deciding if I will let you live here,” Noratu joked.

The entire house was immaculate. Noratu either had a large staff cleaning up after him or he didn’t spend a lot of time here. The decorating was equally impressive. Everything was coordinated and elegant, likely the work of a professional.


Flora snapped her head to the side and her breath caught in her throat. Raina ran down the hallway from another part of the house. Aspen and Iris rushed along behind her. Thrilled, yet confused, Flora looked at her mates. “How did you convince her parents to release her?”

Raina reached Flora and hugged her so tightly that Flora laughed. “I missed you too.”

Aspen hugged her next, but her embrace was not nearly as enthusiastic. “My parents wouldn’t tell me anything and Iris is being just as cagey.” Aspen shot the older woman a resentful glower before looking at Flora again. “Do you know why we’re here?”

“Your parents were horrible to you,” Raina objected, clearly annoyed by Aspen’s attitude. “Would you rather stay with them?”

“That’s not the point and you know it.”

“Girls, let’s try to—”

“You lied to me my entire life,” Aspen snapped. “I am through listening to you.”

“Aspen, I know you’re upset, but—”

“My name isCara.Aspen was a fabrication forced on me by two liars who claimed to love me! I reject your bullshit, and I hate all of you!” She ran back down the hallway, sobbing.

Flora started after her, but Draven caught her arm. “Let us explain what is going on. It will be easier to calm her down.”

He was probably right, but Flora hated seeing her sister so upset. Being surrounded by supportive people had helped Flora accept her new reality. Both Raina and Cara had been thrust into hostile environments. They had to feel abandoned and betrayed.

Noratu led them into the living room and encouraged the females to sit. Iris sat in the middle of the sofa, her granddaughters on either side. Raina scooted as far over as the couch allowed and crossed her legs, creating even more room between her and Iris. Clearly, she was almost as angry as Cara. Flora didn’t blame either of them. Iris and their mother had not only lied. They had also taken away all sorts of choices.

Standing beside Draven, Noratu began, “I know Iris told you about us, but we have not yet officially met. I am Noratu Skore and this is Draven Aldar. We are your sister’s mates.” Raina just nodded, so Noratu went on, “Altorian females with mystic abilities are generally contracted around their fifteenth birthday. It is considered the height of recklessness if their abilities activate before they are claimed by a mate or mates in the case of a conduit.”

“Does that apply to Altorian males?” Raina’s eyebrows arched in challenge.

“Absolutely,” Draven told her. “Un-bonded mystics can, and frequently do, become unstable. These rules are in place to protect everyone.”

“How old are you?” Raina persisted. “Flora has only been here a month. Why didn’t you and Noratu become unstable?”

Draven crossed his arms over his chest. Controllers did not respond well to defiance. “Training and mental discipline. We both had exceptional mentors and plenty of opportunities to blow shit up.”

Whenever Flora became belligerent, she ended up over Draven’s lap. Raina didn’t have a mate, so who was going to deal with her defiance? It was an interesting predicament.

Noratu cleared his throat, drawing Raina’s attention, Flora’s too. “You and Cara are on the verge of activation. Iris has done what she can to slow down the process, but her efforts will only last so long. Your parents’ solution to the urgency was to auction the right to bond with you. The practice is not considered shameful and it is not unusual. Your unfamiliarity with our customs is what made it seem punitive. So, Draven and I negotiated with your parents. We paid a sizable fee for the right to become your representatives. We will screen your potential mates, and together you, Flora, Draven, and I will decide which offer makes the most sense.”

“And if I don’t want to bond with anyone?” The fear in Raina’s eyes made it clear that she knew the answer.

“That is not an option,” Draven said firmly. “Your power must be controlled or you will become dangerous to yourself and others.”
