Page 49 of Bound

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Easily guessing Tov’s quandary, Zevon ordered, “Stay. You are right in the middle of this mess.”

“Yes, sir.”

Zevon moved behind his desk and sat down, pressing back into his tall chair. “You both claim to have information that I will find valuable. You also claim that Jevara is threatening someone you care about to ensure your cooperation. Jevara is holding Cylex’s sister. Laidon, who is he using to motivate you?”

“My situation is more complicated,” Laidon told him. “Shalia is a rebel operative. She is the source of much of my information. As of right now, Jevara is not aware that she is a spy but that could change at any moment.”

Stroking his chin thoughtfully, Zevon directed, “Tell me the three most important facts this operative passed on to you.”

Laidon gazed straight ahead. “The first was that you have a Torretian spy posing as a trainee. Though the information is still valid, the warning appears to have arrived one day too late.”

Zevon waved away Laidon’s complaint. “The warning is appreciated, but we have always known. Give me another fact.”

Laidon remained tense, but he looked at Zevon. “Jevara is working with an Altorian general named Azar Turin. He has a blood tie to one of the conduits just recovered from Earth.”

“That useless bastard. I was not aware of that one, but I am not surprised. Azar is only loyal to himself. Prefect Yites needs to know about this. The Altorians trade with Azar on a regular basis.” Zevon reached over and sent a quick message, likely to Prefect Yites, then he studied Laidon for a moment in silence. “I will rescue your operative because it’s the right thing to do, but I do not yet see the value of a formal alliance.”

“I can give you the names of the Torretian operatives scattered through your troops, as well as those embedded in the government of Altor,” Cylex offered.

“Is this a bidding war?” Laidon sneered. “I have ships and skilled fighters, some still hidden within Jevara’s troops.”

“That could be helpful for a surprise attack,” Zevon agreed, fighting back a smile.

Tov watched his friend closely. Zevon was enjoying the conflict a little more than he should have, perhaps. These males clearly hated each other and weren’t afraid to use violence to express their enmity.

“I know the regional leaders that support the rebellion but are too afraid to speak out openly,” Cylex claimed. “With a few comms I could double the size of the resistance. Would that make forming an alliance worthwhile?”

Laidon scoffed and rolled his eyes. “You are not part ofmyrebellion, and I say you’re full of shit.”

“Well, this is an interesting dynamic,” Zevon mused. “Neither of you can offer enough to benefit me on your own, yet together you might become a valuable ally. So the question becomes, what will it take for you two to work together like civilized beings?”

“Rescue my sister and I will forget about the past,” Cylex offered.

“I agree,” Laidon stressed. “Rescue Shalia and I will gladly move on.”

“Now that is an interesting offer,” Zevon admitted. He stared past them, silently considering the options for a moment. Then he looked at Tov. “Is theAgitarriavailable?”

“It is, but rescue missions are most effective when they are fast and stealthy. I would suggest one of my smaller ships.”

Zevon nodded. “I leave the details to you. Put together a team that includes these two and rescue both females.”

“Of course, sir.”

“There is a complication I’ve yet to explain,” Cylex warned.

“Let me guess.” Tov moved closer to Zevon’s desk, angling himself so he could see more than the backs of their heads. “Jevara wants one of the conduits in exchange for your sister?”

Furrows formed in Cylex’s brow. “He does, but how did you guess?”

Tov shrugged. “Jevara is amoral and ruthless, but he is also predictable. As soon as word reached him that the Hays bloodline is capable of power exchange, I knew he would not rest until he controlled Cara, Raina, or both.”

“What is power exchange?” Laidon wanted to know. “I’ve never heard the term before.”

“Some conduits can transform one type of mystic energy into another, Altorian Fire into Torretian Water and so forth,” Cylex explained. “It is a rare gift, but many in their bloodline have possessed it.”

“Which one of the cousins has been able to transform energy?” Laidon asked.

“Flora, but it is likely they all can,” Tov told him.
