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I don’t have time to look for her now because I’m late for breakfast, so I send her a text, telling her to meet me downstairs. I quickly change my shirt, grab my keys and my phone, and head down to the restaurant. My grandfather is waiting for me when I get down there.

“Where is your fiancée?” he asks as I sit down.

“She had an emergency,” I explain. I have no idea if she is going to show up or not, but my gut says no. “She sends her apologies, but she had to get back home,” I add, hoping my lie doesn’t come back to bite me in the ass.

“That’s no good.” Grandfather takes a sip of his black coffee. “But we’ll see her next week at your engagement party.”

I blink at him. “Excuse me?”

“You didn’t think I would let my only grandson get engaged and not throw him an engagement party, did you? It will be a great way for everyone to get to know each other better, don’t you think?” His eyes twinkle as he soaks up my reaction. “I can’t wait to meet her parents,” he adds.

Fuck. “Sounds fantastic,” I bite out.

“Oh, and Noah?” All traces of humour disappear from the old man’s face. “If this is all just some elaborate scheme, I’ll donate your entire trust fundandyour inheritance to charity.”


This is not good.

Things just took a sharp turn for the worst.



I’ve been sitting in my apartment for the last day, feeling sorry for myself. I even called in sick for work today, something I really can’t afford to do. Not even Kara’s persistent texting has been able to drag me out of my funk.

Noah has been calling non-stop, but I have ignored him too. This was all just about getting his hands on his grandfather’s money, which means he’s just worried about how he looks in front of his family. He probably just wants to yell at me for ditching breakfast.

It’s late Wednesday night when I finally drag myself out of bed and into the shower. No sooner than I step out from the under the piping hot stream of water, the doorbell rings. Assuming it’s Kara coming to knock some sense into me, I buzz her up. When she knocks on the door, I quickly throw some clothes on and walk over and unlock it. My eyes widen in shock when I see Noah standing there.

“You’re not Kara.”

“Thanks for noticing.”

His dark eyes burn with desire as they roam over me. My hands ball into fists as I scowl at him.

“What do you want?”

“An explanation would be nice. You kind of left me hanging back there. I had to go to breakfast with my grandfather alone and make up some excuse as to why you weren’t there.”

“Poor thing,” I mutter under my breath. “It must be so hard being Noah Griffin.”

“Is something wrong?” His brow furrows as he studies me. “I kind of thought we had a connection going there and then you were gone.”

I glare at him, loving how he has made this all about him. The last thing I feel like doing is admitting to him that I overheard him tell my brother that he has no interest in me. It’s bad enough that he said it, but for him to know thatIknow?

That’s too much.

“Why do I need to give you a reason? I did what I was obligated to do, then I left. It’s that simple.”

“Seriously? Why are you being such a bitch?”

“I’m being a bitch?” I retort with a laugh. “Are you kidding me right now?”


“Just go,” I cut him off when he tries to take my hand. “Don’t touch me. Since you clearly have no interest in me and all.”
