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“You expect me to believe this?” his grandfather sputters. “How do I know this isn't just another scheme? Really, Noah, you never cease to amaze me—”

“With all due respect, Grandfather, I don't care if you believe me or not.” Noah speaks quietly, looking the most serious I have ever seen him. “The only person I need to believe me is Lucy.” He turns to me and takes both my hands in his, staring me straight in the eye. “You wonder if I'm telling the truth about how I feel about you. I can see it every time you look at me and it’s killing me.” He takes a deep breath and expels it slowly. “So here I am, putting everything on the line for you, Sloan. I need you to know that thisisreal for me. That I’m falling in love with you, and that Idowant to be with you. I'm risking everything. All for you. For us.”

I can't believe he just did that.

“Noah,” I breathe out. Tears prick my eyes, my heart swelling with so many emotions that I can't contain them. “But what about Luke and your business—”

My brother steps forward from the crowd.

“Noah told me he wanted to do this, and I gave him my blessing. He said he needed to come clean because he was worried about losing you. For him to put all of this on the line for you…” Luke smiles at me. “It’s pretty damn clear he likes you, sis. Honestly, I've never seenanywoman have the effect on Noah that you seem to.”

“I always thought you didn't want me dating your friend because you thought I was too young or too immature,” I say to Luke, shocked at how supportive he is being. This was the last reaction I expected from my overprotective big brother.

“The opposite, actually,” Luke chuckles. “I always thought you were too good for Noah. You're my kid sister, Luce. I will do everything in my power to protect you. Even though you're all grown up, you're still my baby sister.”

I smile at my brother and then turn my attention back to Noah, not sure what to say. I'm lost for words, so I simply lean up and kiss him softly on the lips, hoping that tells him everything he needs to hear.

“Thank you for this,” I whisper. “I'm sorry it cost you your dream.”

“Don’t be sorry, Sloan,” he whispers to me, tilting my lips up to his so he can steal another kiss. “You're my real dream.”



Holy shit.

Blinking, I stare in shock at the two pink lines on the little stick in my hands.

I’m pregnant.

I knew it was a possibility, especially since we have been trying for the last six months, but a small part of me was starting to wonder if it was ever going to happen. Month after month of disappointment had begun to take its toll on me. I even suggested to Noah just last night that we go see a specialist, just to check everything is okay. He told me to go ahead and make the appointment.

I bite my lip, tears welling in my eyes as I try to process the emotions surging through me. It’s been a year since our fake engagement party, and we’re married and now expecting our first child together. Everything feels like it’s finally coming together and I’m just so damn happy right now.

My first thought is to call Noah, but I hold off. Not only do I want to tell him in person, but he and Luke are in the middle of a big meeting with a team of investors as they try and take their property development company to the next level.

After his big un-proposal, Noah and Luke sat down with Noah’s grandfather and went through their business proposal. Noah’s grandfather was so impressed with the amount of thought and work they had put into their idea that he not only reinstated Noah’s trust, he also put forward a hundred thousand dollars of his own money as an investment. That gesture meant so much to Noah, because he felt like he finally had his grandfather’s approval.

After a slow but steady start, their business has been going great. So great in fact, they were ready to level up and start hiring more staff. I am so proud of both my brother and Noah for taking a leap of faith and believing in themselves.

It’s something Noah has also been encouragingmeto do.

For the last two months, I have found myself writing again every chance I get. Maybe it’s having Noah back in my life as inspiration, but for some reason, the words have just been flowing. I’m not ready to quit my law degree just yet but it’s been great to feel a connection to something I used to be so passionate about. Who knows, maybe one day I can live my childhood dream of becoming a full-time author.

My phone buzzes. I scoop it up and read the new message from Noah.

Noah: Meeting went great. I’ll be home soon.

True to his word, less than twenty minutes later I hear the garage door go up, then the jiggle of Noah’s keys as he opens the side door. He walks in, his face lighting up when he sees me standing there, impatiently waiting for him.

“Hey you,” he grins. “I’m not used to having a welcoming party when I get home.”

He drops his keys on the hallway table and puts his arms around my waist, pulling me close for a kiss. My heart races like it does every time he touches me.

“Yes, well, today is a big day,” I hint, unable to hide my happiness. “How did your meeting go?”

“Better than I could have imagined,” he murmurs, kissing my neck. I giggle as he nuzzles into me. “So, how was your day? Did you find a specialist for us to see?”

“About that…” I reach into my pocket and pull out the test. “I think we might need to see a different kind of specialist.”

He stares at it for a moment before it registers, then his eyes widen.

“We’re pregnant?”

I smile. “We sure are.”
