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From someone who regularly stays in the finest hotels around the world, even I have to admit this hotel room is impressive. From the oversized king bed with its plush mattress and silky soft bedding to the amazing view of the ocean through the floor-to-ceiling windows, complete with our own private little balcony, everything is first class. Tossing our bags down on the floor, I wander over to the window and watch as the waves crash against the rocks below us.

“Not bad, hey,” I say to Lucy.

“It’s beautiful,” she begrudgingly grumbles.

She’s still annoyed.

Or at least, she’s trying to be.

She thinks I don’t notice the way she looks at me, but I see the want in her eyes and the way her gaze moves over my body. She’s clearly into me, even if she won’t admit it to herself. The feeling is mutual too. Lucy is a stunner. What makes her even hotter is she doesn’t know her own beauty. It’s like she has no idea how fucking sexy she is or the effect she has on men. All she has to do is walk into a room and every pair of male eyes is on her. Mine included. It's kind of cute how intent she is on hating me, though. The chase makes me want her even more.

And I always get what I want.

“What time does this function start?” Her irritated voice cuts through my thoughts.

I glance at my phone to check the time. “We have about an hour.”

I haven’t been completely honest with her. We’re not at a work function and I’m not trying to get a promotion. The truth is, we’re at my grandfather’s eightieth birthday party with all my wonderful extended relatives where I need her to convincingly play my girlfriend, so my grandfather believes I have settled down.

He cut off my trust fund two months ago after I ‘embarrassed the family name for the last time’. That was fine, until I ran out of cash. Since then, I’ve been scraping by. Then Luke and I came up with this awesome new business idea, but we need financial backing to get it up and running. I’m pretty sure Lucy would frown at me for trying to screw over my own grandfather so I can access his money, so Luke and I decided to twist the truth into something she would be okay with. Sure, she will figure it out eventually, but by then with any luck, the job will be done, and my trust will be mine again.

I take a quick shower. The hot water does wonders to wake me up after the long drive. When I'm done, I step out and grab a fluffy towel. I go to wrap it around my waist, but then I get a better idea and hang it around my neck instead.

Swinging open the door, I saunter back into the room, butt-ass naked, letting it all hang out. Lucy glances up. She does a double take, her ocean blue eyes widening in shock as she takes me all in. The feel of her eyes on my cock naturally makes me stiffen, which embarrasses the poor thing even more. A strangled gasp escapes her lips as she quickly snaps her attention back down to her phone, her cheeks scarlet red.

“Something wrong?” I innocently ask.

She scowls at me, making sure to keep her eyes on my face. “Do you always wander around naked?”

“Yes, actually.” For once, it’s the truth. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“Yes. I do. Not everyone wants to see…” She gestures at my junk. “That.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, Sloan,” I boast, sticking my chest out. “Most peopledowant to see it. Some people even want to touch it.”

She mutters something incoherent under her breath as she stabs at her phone. I chuckle and pull on some boxers, followed with a pair of black suit pants.

“I always knew you were uptight, Sloan, but I never realised you werethisuptight,” I tease, threading my belt through the loops.

That makes her bite. “I am not uptight.” She glares at me, anger flashing in her eyes.

“Really? So, you'd be okay if I walked over to you and kissed you right now? Since you enjoyed it so much the first time…”

Her mouth hangs open, then quickly closes, then she opens it again. I bite back on a chuckle at the sight of poor Lucy so lost for words. When I walk toward her, she stands up and stumbles back, looking like she’s not sure what to do.

“I told you already, I won't touch a woman unless she wants me to,” I remind her. “So answer me. Can I kiss you right now?”

She bites her lip, her gaze lingering on my bare chest. “I guess…”

I take that as the confirmation I need and flatten against her, pushing her into the wall. My lips find hers and she whimpers as I kiss her slowly and deliberately, my fingers creeping beneath her shirt to touch her smooth, soft skin. She breaks away from me, avoiding eye contact.

“I better get ready, or we’ll be late,” she mumbles, clearly flustered.

As she disappears into the bathroom in a hurry, I get dressed, thinking about how good that kiss was. Even better than the first. To be honest, I've wanted to kiss her for years. I wanted to kiss her when I found those stories all those years ago, but I was so much older than her, it didn't feel right. She was sixteen and I was twenty-six. While the age gap is still there, I'm not sure I'm willing to ignore our connection a second time, especially since the chemistry is so obviously still there between us.
