Page 124 of Shellshock

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He was physically a hundred times stronger than her. It wasa littledifficult to put her foot down when he could end every argument by picking her up. She could rage all she liked.

They needed relationship counseling. Therapy. Something told her that good sex and fun times wasn’t enough to cure whateverthiswas.

Her heart steadily climbed her throat as he walked them down the halls, further into his confounding ship.

Not to his bedroom.

He took her into the goddamn dungeon and locked her in a cell.

“Caligher.” Her voice rose in panic as he slid the glass door shut before she could dart around him, securing the locking mechanism from the outside. “What exactly are you doing?”

“What does it look like?”

“Well, you can’t do it,” she said.

His eyes were faintly blazing, but he didn’t seem to be playing around anymore.

She thought he’dactuallylocked her in a fucking cell.

When he left the room, her skin chilled over. She stood before the glass in dumbfounded dismay, staring at nothing until the pirate cleared his throat.


She didn’t want to meet his accusing stare, and she certainly didn’t want to hear whatever acidic remarks he had in mind. She slinked deeper into the cell to brood in whatever privacy she could carve out.

* * *

By the time Caligher returned to check on her, she was inconsolable. She didn’t know how much time had passed. A couple of hours, maybe? Enough that everything he did made her a touch more upset.

He carried a bundle of items under his arm, but he stopped at first to give her a once-over.

“Couldn’t break out of there yet?” he taunted. “I thought you were some great technician. Capable of breaking through any door.”

His lips twitched at the corners. Her vision pulsed a dark, angry red.

“You didn’t give me my tools, asshole.”

He shrugged.

“You realize I’m pissed at you right now, right?” she snapped. “Not playful pissed. I meanreallypissed.” Her blood hummed with the urge to burn this whole place down.

He passed one of her jumpsuits and her tablet through the chute on the side of the cell, then told her where to find the shower and privacy controls. How fucking thoughtful. His tail swung to a cheerful inner tune the entire time. The dickhead was happy with himself today.

Caligher shoved a boxed meal through next. She lifted the lid, eyeballing the grey, piping-hot contents with a blank expression.

“It’s food,” he said.

“Prison food,” she said, curling her lip. Setting the box aside, she turned her baleful stare back on him. “You can’t keep me here in here. You can’t seriously do this.”

“At the risk of sounding likethat guy,that’s not what you were saying last night, or the hundred nights before.”

Her eyes went wide.

This washilariousto him.

He’d gotten it into his head that just because she’d committed everything to him, he was free to do whatever he liked with her.

“I’ll take everything I said back,” she threatened.
