Page 154 of Shellshock

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He couldn’t breathe when he saw her. She looked like something from another dimension.

She started forward, and he could hear the rustle of fabric, could feel her deep pulse drumming. Each step of her slippered feet squeezed his lungs a little tighter. They’d played strange games together, but when it was over, she’d fought for him. Now she was marrying him.

It was only now becoming real.

Everything she’d said—she’d meant. He was finally starting to feel the proof of that reality—of her love, her steadiness. He could almost believe it was okay to accept it. To keep her.

He let trails of his spark fall around him. The bluish glow weaved its way through the trellis that crowned the altar.

She took two steps up, a breathless, excited flush on her face and dark, glittering eyes staring up at him. He took her little hands and she joined him. He couldn’t help grinning at her, and she had the same happy expression plastered on her radiant face.

* * *


Sparks cascaded in curtains around the altar, closing them off as they pledged their lives together. Their vows were short, simple, and only loud enough for them to hear. It was intimate. It was fast and slow at once.

The rapid beat of her heart made her stomach feel wonderfully fluttery and strange. Once the words were exchanged, Caligher kissed her hard, sweeping her in with his arms. She was happy enough to float.

Electricity crackled high in the air, rushing down like a waterfall before splitting open. They were met by the happy cheer of their friends and family as the heart-wrenching music turned joyous.

Caligher beamed warmly at her. His eyes danced with what she swore was mischief.

“We’re married,” she whispered, shivering under the breeze that broke through their electric canopy.

“We are,” he agreed.

That gleam in his eye became a hair concerning. She held her smile in place, but her face must have given away her growing puzzlement.

“What is that look for?” she whispered, tilting her head and letting crystal-studded curls slide down her bare shoulder. His grin grew before he turned to address their audience. One hand remained on her back, over the beaded gown.

“Friends, family,” he said.

Oh, no, he was giving aspeech?Was she supposed to write one, too?

“Thank you everyone who came all this way,” he said in English. The slightest accent in his voice was odd and transfixing. “Each of you are special to Lucca and me. I don’t think tonight could have been possible without every single one of you.”

That was surprisingly sweet—and she didn’t know how he expected her to top his words. She studied the faces in the crowd, searching for context clues. She could play off a crowd under pressure, but she would have liked some warning.

“We have a party, refreshments, and space tours for you to enjoy. The Watts family has rented out the lodge for the week.” Caligher turned his eyes to her. “As for my wife…”

A prickle unfurled down her spine as another curtain of light fell around them.


A shadow loomed overhead, making her arms prickle with cold. One blustering wave pulsed through the air. Looking up, she spotted the belly of his ship hovering high above their heads—rapidly descending on the party.

“Cal, what the fuck!”

He swept her off the ground, the fabric of her gown swishing noisily as she kicked out in alarm. “What—”

Caligher took her lips in a savage kiss.

The deafening rumble of his ship surrounded them, drowning out the voices and instrumentals while the searing force of his lips made her heart race off-kilter. Her stomach dropped. All of Earth fell away.

With minimal warning, she was abducted from her own wedding.
