Page 94 of Shellshock

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He chewed his lip thoughtfully as a flush infused her skin.

“Funny location to be having this conversation,” she muttered for lack of a better response. He chuckled. “What kind of game?”

He slowly rinsed the rest of the soap and soot off, keeping his eyes trained on her. “I want to hunt you through your ship. And I want you to fight me off as long as you can.”

She blinked hard.Straight out of my dreams.

“I knew what I wanted to do with you the same day I met you,” he admitted, throwing a casual glance at his arms. “I’d been searching for those two pirate ships for over a year before you hand-delivered them to me—and I couldn’t even think about them. I had no rational reason for it, but all I wanted was to fly your ship down, rip the door off the back, rut you on the floor, and drag you back to mine.” He stopped. His eyes fastened to hers, open and expressive and completely unashamed. “I could go on.”

It was jarring, how easy it was for him to say such provocative things to her.

His head tipped back in the water, showing off the lines of his throat. Streams of liquid trickled over his body. God, he was fascinating.

“I have been holding my urges at bay formonths,Lucca,” he said in a scratchy voice. She stared at his chest, imagining him taking her more forcefully than before. “Do you have any idea how that feels?”

“Yeah—um, yes.” She cleared her throat. “My thoughts about you weren’t so pure, either.”

“What?” His head snapped upright. “Explain.”

Averting her eyes, she said, “The first time I watched you fight those pirates, I could see you through the windows. You looked so…deadly. I was terrified of you…” She shivered, but not from fear. “Whenever I had to watch you pinning and cuffing someone I got… I…”

She trailed off, hand over her mouth.

“This is way harder for me to talk about than it is for you apparently,” she said roughly.

He smirked and his shoulders bounced with quiet laughter. Rubbing the back of her neck bashfully, she leaned against the wall. The front side of her suit was soaked to her skin in a solid, dark streak.

“You got turned on watching me hunt someone else down,” he summarized aptly.

He did another turn in the shower. Relief hit her—that he didn’t judge her for thoughts that had once embarrassed her. His tail slid against her thigh when he twisted to check his back, picking his massive tail up.

Put. It. Around my neck.

“What is the word for ‘stop’ in your language?” he asked abruptly, turning back to her and catching her staring at his tail with growing pupils. “Say it.”

“Stop,” she said. After keeping her secret for months, switching to English in front of him had a certain naughty thrill to it.

Something sinister danced in his eyes. Then he resumed rinsing.

“We’ll play soon.”

She licked her lips, both liking and not liking the ominous way he said that.


“I won’t tell you when,” he said with a faint smile. “That’s the fun part. One of these nights, the gravity will malfunction. Everything will go wrong for you. Hide from me, fight me off. Try to restore the gravity if that sounds like fun, but the only thing that will stop me from hunting you down and taking your body as payment is that single human word, ‘stop.’” His eyes gleamed with hellfire. “Otherwise, I’ll keep going.”

Oh holy fuck.

She slumped against the wall in a daze, imagining the game in terrifying detail. It could go so many ways. He could actually chase her through her ship, terrorize her, force her down, and…

And take her.

No mercy, no stopping, just take her.

Her breathing wavered as things in her body awakened.

“Fair, Lucca?”
