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I drum my thumbs on the steering wheel. “Nothing’s set in stone yet. Just keep an ear out.”

“Will do, Van.”

The phone call disconnects as I pull into the empty back parking lot of The Sweet Spot. All night, I tossed and turned, all my thoughts on Hollyn. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would see her again, and trust me, I’ve had some intense dreams about her. Now, she’s here. In the flesh. It’s my mission to get a repeat of our one night together. My phone buzzes in my pocket, drawing my attention from my daydreams. I pull out my phone and stare at the screen. Annoyance spreads through my body as I read the message from an old hook up.

A knock on my driver’s side window startles me. When I glance up, Hollyn’s bright smile and hazel eyes greet me. She nods her head toward the door and heads that way. I pluck out my earbud and toss it into the center console. As I step out of the car, I tuck my phone back into my pocket. Following her footsteps, I enter the back door and turn right into an open doorway. Now that I’m slightly less distracted, I familiarize myself with the kitchen.

In the center sits two tables, a shorter wood table on one side and a higher steel table that butts up to the wood one. A sink and dishwashing station across from the tables. One wall is lined with ovens, while another has several commercial refrigerators and a couple bakers racks full of various stand mixers and blenders.

She fidgets with a towel that sits on the wood top. I move to stand next to her, and she glances up at me. “Are you ready for today?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be. Where did you park?”

“Out front. I walked down the block to get these.” She twists around, grabs a to-go cup of coffee, and holds it out to me. “I wasn’t sure if you like coffee. Maybe if I stuck around after our one morning together, I would have known. Anyway, if you want some.” A pink blush covers her cheeks as she rambles with nervous energy.

We’ve seen each other naked, given each other multiple orgasms. There shouldn’t be any awkwardness.

“Coffee is definitely needed. Thank you.” I grab the cup from her grasp. Our fingers brush against each other’s, sending a jolt of electricity coursing through my body. There’s a brief pause before she pulls away. Every touch from her makes me want more, and the wantonness behind her irises confirms she wants it too. “So, what are we making today?”

She turns to face the smooth worktable in front of us. “We have four dozen unicorn cupcakes for a little girl's birthday party.”

My eyes go wide at the idea of that many cupcakes, especially unicorn ones. “Is it too late to back out?”

“Yes.” She smiles up at me. “I promise you, it won’t be as daunting as it sounds. It’ll be fun.” Her eyes sparkle at the last sentence, telling me how much she loves her job.

I huff out a humorous laugh. “Says the woman who does this for a living.”

“I bet you’ll end up enjoying it by the end. I’ll even let you lick the spoon.” She gives me a wink.

Fuck. Now, I’m reminiscing about what she tasted like when I had her spread wide against the window at the hotel. “I’d rather lick something else.”

She whirls around, a smile tugging on her lips. “Excuse me?”

I turn to look behind me because there is no way I said that out loud.

When I turn back around, she’s standing with her hand on her hip, narrowed eyes, but her smile never falters. “Did you just say what I think you said?”

“No.” But I nod my head yes.

A blush covers her cheeks, then her gaze returns to mine. “First the spoon, and if you do a really good job with the cupcakes, maybe you can have that something else.”

Holy shit. Is she flirting back with me? I think she’s flirting back. Fuck. I want her to be flirting with me because flirting leads to kissing, which leads to groping, then getting naked, and I really want the last one. Badly.

My feet carry me over to where she’s standing next to the worktable. I’m ready for whatever she wants. Cupcakes or no cupcakes. She pulls out a tablet from her bag and with the swipe of a finger, it comes to life. With a few more taps, a picture of unicorn cupcakes fills the screen.

“This is what we’re making. They’ll be a vanilla cake with the multicolored buttercream frosting with fondant ears and a horn.” She reaches behind her and grabs something off the back table. “Then they will go into these sleeping unicorn cupcake holders. Aren’t they adorable?”

“Very adorable.” I keep my gaze locked on hers. She turns her head in my direction, catching me staring at her. Her lips tug into a small smile as pink dusts her cheeks. She’s never been more beautiful. It’s my new life mission to make her blush.

“We better get started.” She takes a step away from me as if space will break the attraction that seems to tether us together. She points to the opposite side of the kitchen. “Grab two of those stand mixers.”

Luckily, I spent many years watching my mom bake in the kitchen at home and know what a stand mixer is. I set off to the far side of the kitchen and pluck two mixers off the shelf. When I set them down on the table, she has measuring spoons and bowls set out in front of her.

She rests her palm on the table and turns toward me. “So, I’m dying to know. Why did you pretend to be a stripper?”

I throw my head back in laughter. When I come to, I rest my palms on the cool wood surface while I contemplate what to say. “A gorgeous girl approached me and asked me to take my clothes off.” I give her a wink. “The money was a bonus. I would have done it either way.”

“Honestly, I don’t know if you’re lying or telling the truth.” She releases a small laugh. It’s such a sweet sound, one I could listen to all day and night.
