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“Don’t worry about that. What can I do?” I rub lazy circles over her back.

“Make me feel better.”

“If I could, I would swap places with you in a heartbeat. So, instead, how about I make sure you’re okay?”

She releases a muffled groan before replying, “Okay.”

I stand. Next to the sink is a rack with towels so I pluck a washcloth from the stack and run it under warm water. I pass it to Hollyn, who’s now resting her head on her arms that are draped across the toilet. She wipes her face and mouth before passing back the washcloth.

“Let’s get you up and off the floor. I’ll help you to your room.” I lift her from the tile and wrap an arm around her waist. “Where’s your room?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Her lips pull into a weak smile. Even when sick, she still has a sense of humor.

“Yes. Yes, I would. But right now, my motives are for a different reason. We’ll make up for that when you haven’t been hugging the toilet.” I guide her out of the bathroom, but she stops me.


She turns around, opens the medicine cabinet above the sink, and pulls out a bottle of mouthwash. She twists off the cap, takes a swig, and swishes the green liquid around for a few seconds before spitting it out into the sink. She places the bottle back into the cabinet.

“I don’t want barf breath.”

I chuckle. “That’s fair.”

We exit the bathroom and head up the stairs to her bedroom. She pulls back the covers and crawls under. I tug the blanket over her and sit on the side of the bed. I brush a loose strand of hair out of her face and tuck it behind her ear.

“You get some rest.”

“You’re not staying with me?” Her sad, hazel doe eyes stare back at me.

“As much as I would love to. You need some rest.” I lean down and press a kiss to her forehead. “I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

When I glance down, she nods slightly. I rise to my feet and make my way toward the door. I glance back at the bed and she’s rolling to her side, snuggling the blanket to her chest. Dammit. I don’t want to leave. I turn around, crawl onto the bed behind her, and throw my arm over her, hugging her to me.

“Just a few minutes,” I whisper into her hair.




The next morning, I stir awake and attempt to roll over but can’t. When I peer down, I realize why, a heavy arm drapes over my waist. I can’t fight the smile that takes over. He stayed. With careful movements so I don’t wake Van, I roll over to face him. He’s sleeping on top of the blanket and still wearing his clothes from last night. Something about that sends an eruption of butterflies through my chest.

I study his face, his long, dark eye lashes fan down his cheeks, his messy dark hair contrasts against the white pillowcase, a light stubble of hair covers his jaw. This man has me more and more in awe of him every day. Not only for everything he’s gone through but also for how hard he’s trying with the bakery. Slowly his eyelids flutter open, and I’m met with deep, chocolate brown eyes.

“Good morning.” My words are soft.

“Were you watching me sleep?” His voice is gruff.

“Maybe.” I tip up one side of my mouth. “I’m surprised you stayed.”

“I was too comfortable to leave. Plus, I could get used to waking up like this.” He lifts his hand and brushes a strand of hair off my face. His warm fingertips graze across my skin, sending goosebumps down my arms. “How are you feeling?”

“Much better. Must have been a twenty-four-hour bug or something.”

“I’m glad to hear that. It looked a little touch and go there for a moment. I was wondering if you’d make it.”

“Oh, stop.”
