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“It seems appropriate for the questioning.”

“Why is it so bright?” I whine while still attempting to block the light.

“It’s a tactile flashlight. 3000 lumens. It’s used for self-defense. I got it at the surplus store downtown. The best part, if someone tries to kidnap you, shine the flashlight in their eyes.” Trey moves his hand to assault Seth with the light.

Seth slaps his hand down. “Turn off the flashlight. Plus, no one’s going to kidnap you. And if they did, I bet your ass they would return you within five minutes. Probably try to sue us for emotional distress.”

“Fine. You guys are a bunch of fun suckers,” Trey grumbles and clicks off the flashlight.

“Now where was I?” Bennett rests his elbows on the table and leans in. “Oh yeah. What are your intentions with Hollyn?”

I run my hands along the top of my jeans. “Um. Well, I like her. A lot.”

“Did you touch my future wife at the party?” Bennett narrows his eyes at me.

Seth rests his forearms on the table and leans in, mimicking Bennett. “Or my pregnant girlfriend?”

My eyes go wide. “No. To both.” My gaze flits between the two of them. “The moment I saw Hollyn, I was instantly drawn to her. I wanted to spend my entire night with her, but she insisted I give the other girls some attention. I promise you I didn’t touch them.”

“Obviously, all the girls are very close and protective of Hollyn, and so are we. If anything were to happen to her or you hurt her, you know you’ll be hearing from us.” Seth’s gaze bores into mine.

“Don’t let the bow tie fool you. He knows how to throw down. I’ve witnessed it.” Trey nods toward Seth.

“I have absolutely no intentions of hurting Hollyn. Hell, I don’t even know where we stand. All I can say is I like the girl. She’s all I think about. When I’m not with her, I’m thinking about her. When I’m with her, I’m thinking of her. She consumes me. Frankly, it’s kinda terrifying.”

Bennett leans back in his chair with a wide grin on his face. “That’s what those girls do. They suck you in and never let you go. In the best kind of way, of course.”

Seth nods, confirming what Bennett is saying is true.

“Alright, now onto the rapid-fire question portion of the evening. Don’t think, just answer.” Trey reaches for his flashlight again.

Seth stops him. “Enough with the flashlight.” Trey pouts.

“What’s your full name?” Bennett asks.

“Vance Michael Bailey. But everyone calls me Van.”

“How old are you?” Trey asks.


“Oh, we’ve got a young buck.” Trey rubs his hands together, a sly smile covering his face.

“When’s your date of birth?” Seth asks.

“February twentieth.”

Trey flits his gaze between Seth and Bennett, before turning to me. “What’s your social security number?”

“Um. I don’t want to answer that.”

Trey tilts his head and shakes his finger at me with a smirk on his face. “Good. You’re sharp.” Before Bennett or Seth can say anything, Trey asks another question. “Who’s your favorite Disney princess?”

“Sleeping Beauty.”

“Hell yeah. Good answer.” Trey raises his hand for a high five. I hesitantly lift my palm to meet his, not entirely sure if it’s a joke or if he’s serious.

Seth turns to Trey. “Sleeping Beauty? I guess it makes sense. The only girls you can kiss are unconscious.”
