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Sleeping people don’t text.


I beg to differ. Sleep texting is totally a thing. I’m doing it right now.


You have an hour before I’m coming to get you. Ready or not.


If you come over now, I can guarantee one of us will be coming.


Oh, sleeping people have jokes now.


I’m a multi-talented sleeper.


60 mins. Then I’m coming over.


Is that a threat or a promise? *wink emoji*

Exactly an hour later, I’m pulling into the driveway of her townhouse. I turn the ignition off, jump out of my car, and jog up to the door. When I try the doorknob, it’s still locked, so I use the code and let myself in. The living room and kitchen are both still dark, so she must be in her bedroom. I climb the stairs two at a time until I come to a stop in her bedroom doorway. A blanket, formed in a Hollyn shape, lies on the bed. Slowly, I creep into the room, careful not to give myself away. Once I reach the end of the bed, I grab hold of the blanket and rip it off her.

She lets out a giggle and rolls on to her back. I take in the sight before me. She’s wearing a light blue tank top that’s practically see through with a pair of matching panties. One leg is bent at the knee as it drapes over her other leg.

I crawl up on to the bed and run my hand up her smooth thigh until I’m cupping her butt. “If you told me this is what you slept in, I would have been over sooner.”

“You’re here now. Whatever you had planned can wait.” She flashes me a salacious smile.

Fuck me. I consider her offer. Who would turn down a drop-dead gorgeous woman who’s offering herself up on a silver platter? Me, apparently. I shake my head.

“No. No. I see what you’re trying to do. Your temptations won’t work on me. We have plans. I’m sticking to the plans.” I sit up and yank her hands with me. Then I’m crawling off the bed and forcing her to stand. “Go get ready. I’ll wait.”

“You’re no fun.” She juts out her lower lip. I grip her shoulders, twist her around, and give her a gentle push. Before she can get too far away, I playfully swat her ass. She yelps then turns her head and flashes me a sexy smile as she saunters into her en suite bathroom.

Luckily, Hollyn isn’t one of those girls who needs two hours to get ready. Twenty minutes later, she’s dressed in a slouchy t-shirt and yoga pants. Her hair is up in one of those messy buns plopped on top of her head. She’s comfy and casual, and beautiful as ever.

“What’s the plan for today that couldn’t wait? Are we doing more practice baking?” She stands in front of her dresser putting cupcake shaped earrings in her ears.

“Actually, I think it’s time we step outside of the bakery for a day. Do something fun.”

She freezes. “We have so much to do before the wedding event. We need to finish prepping.”

“If we lose one day, it won’t kill us. Remember, you need to let loose.” From behind, I grab her wrists, lift, and give them a shake like one of those inflatable tube characters. “Where’s the girl I met at the club? She was fun.”

“Hey! I’m fun!” She twirls around so she’s facing me. Her hands rest on my shoulders. “Plus, that night involved a very hot guy getting naked and lots of champagne. Will today involve either of those?”
