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She takes a big bite and moans around her spoon. “This is so delicious.” She picks up her vanilla wafer and takes a bite. “You know what’s an underappreciated treat?”

“What’s that?” I ask around a mouth full of ice cream.

“These wafers. They are so good. I should find a way to use them in a cupcake.” She inspects the wafer more closely before taking another bite.

We finish our malts, toss our garbage in the trash, and descend the stairs back to our bike. Our ride back to the bike rental is more leisurely than when we left. We take our time soaking up the sun and fresh air. There are more people enjoying the Lakewalk now than when we first got here. Everyone watches sailboats cruise through the waves and wait for the Lakers, freight ships that stay within the Great Lakes, and Salties, salt water ocean freight ships, to come into the harbor.

She breaks the silence. “It’s crazy how many people are down here. Could you imagine if we could put a bakery down here to cater to all the tourists? Summers would be non-stop customers.”

“There isn’t anything like that down here. I bet it would make a killing.” I steal a glance her way. She stares wistfully off into the distance as if she’s dreaming of things she wishes she could have. There’s an ache in my chest wanting to be the man who gives it to her.

After we return the rental bike, we hop into my car, and I drive her back to her house. I pull into her driveway and shift into park. She opens her door and steps out, and I do the same. We meet at the hood of my car and I hold out my hand for her.

“Always with the hand holding.” She claps her fingers around mine.

“Any way I can touch you.” I’ve never been one for holding hands but with Hollyn it’s different. Any chance I get, I want to hold her close. Maybe so I don’t lose her again.

We stroll hand in hand up the sidewalk until we reach her front door. She presses the code into the keypad, opens the door, and turns around, waiting for me to enter.

“Are you coming in?”

I step up to her and wrap a hand around the back of her neck. My fingers thread through her hair as I bend down to kiss her. One of her arms wrap around my waist and pulls me closer while she deepens the kiss. Her tongue peeks out and presses at the seam of my lips. I open up, caressing my tongue against hers. Her other hand reaches up, fingers gripping the fabric of my shirt, and tugs me into the open doorway. Reluctantly, I pull away and she whimpers.

Her eyes flutter open. “You don’t want to come in? Finish this non-date date the way it started, in my bed.” She winks.

I tilt my head back and look at the ceiling of the covered doorway and blow out a breath. “I wanted a non-date date. I got that. I wanted a kiss. And I got one hell of a kiss. I’m going to keep it at that. For tonight.”

She rests a hand on her waist and pops a hip. “I recall you promised me either nakedness or champagne and I got neither. What kind of date is this?”

“A non-date date and one where I’m going to be a gentleman. I wanted to spend the day with you, no sex, and if I step through that door, all bets are off.” I never wanted today to be about sex. All I wanted was a day with Hollyn outside of the bakery. A day for us to get to know each other more.

“But you’re so close. Just one more little step.”

I glance down and the toe of my shoe rests against the footplate of the door. Then I meet her lust filled eyes. “N-nope.” I shake my head. “I won’t let you tempt me with your temptress ways. Have a good night, Hollyn. I’ll see you tomorrow at the bakery.” I’m sure I’ll regret this later while I’m lying in my cold bed, just me and my blue balls, but for now, I’m holding my ground.

“I don’t think I would have to tempt you too hard.” She trails a finger from her mouth, down her neck, across her chest, and between the valley of her tits.

A guttural groan erupts from my throat. “You’re right. When it comes to you, I have no will power.” My foot twitches. It would be so easy to step through the door and have her panting and moaning my name. “Fuck,” I mutter to myself. “Tomorrow. All bets are off tomorrow. See you tomorrow.” With my feet planted outside the doorway, I lean in and place a kiss to her lips.

I turn around and without a single glance back I stride to my car. Hold your ground. Don’t give in to temptation. Once I reach my car, I open the door and flop into the seat. She watches me as I turn on the ignition, her smile never faltering. She’s trying to call my bluff, but I can be strong. I need to be strong. I shift into reverse and back out of her driveway. As I’m pulling away, I glance to the door at the same time as she closes it. I blow out a breath, pleased I defeated Goliath, or in this case a beautiful and sexy Goliath.

When I pull up to my apartment, my phone vibrates with a message. I pull it out of my pocket and see Hollyn sent me a picture. She’s laying in her bed wearing a tank top and panties similar to the ones she was wearing this morning except this one is white and definitely see-through.

The message that follows the photo reads, “Wish you were here.”

Just as I predicted, a night of blue balls.




After our non-date date, we made plans to open the bakery for customers to have a cupcake on Della. Since we were already making cakes for a wedding, Hollyn said it made sense to make extra base batter and make the cupcakes at the same time. For the three hours we were open the bakery was jam-packed with customers wanting to pay their respects and get a cupcake. Everyone who stopped in had a story to share about my mom. I didn’t realize how many people loved my mom and her bakery.

Now, it’s the weekend and the day of the Wilson/Carter wedding. After the Celebration of Life gathering, we immediately got to work baking cakes and making decorations. When I say we, I mean Hollyn. She made the important cakes while I jabbed sticks into the cake pops and rolled them in chocolate. Who knew little balls of cake on a stick would be so popular?

“Why do brides go all bridezilla on their wedding day? It’s only a day. It’s not like this day is the one that defines you for the rest of your life.” I stack the boxes holding the individual nine inch decorated cakes for each guest table into the delivery van.
