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“Are you sleeping with me so I don’t sell the bakery?” As soon as the words come out and I see the expression on her face, I instantly wish I could take it back.

Her stride faulters as she takes a step away from me as if my words smacked her across the cheek.

“Wow. Is that how you really feel? I could ask you the same. Are you stringing me along until you leave town with your fat stack of cash?”

“That’s absurd. I don’t have time for this. I have to go.”

“Just leave when things get tough. I’ve seen that before.” She crosses her arms over her chest, but her feet stay firmly planted on the ground.

Needing to get out of here, I stomp past her. I can’t give up my entire life for a girl, again. It didn’t work the first time so I can’t imagine it will be any different the second. But the thing that hurts the most is she didn’t deny it.

* * *

The entire two hour drive I spent thinking about Hollyn. Maybe I wasn’t being fair to her. Everything exploded around us and now we’re trying to sort out the pieces. When I arrive in the city, instead of going to my apartment, I send a message to my friend Jason to meet me at a local bar.

There are a dozen or so people gathered at the bar when I arrive, but it’s nothing like Porter’s. I’ve been here many times before, yet it lacks comforting familiarity. Within a few seconds, I spot Jason by his unruly blond hair sitting at the bar. I stroll past the tables and pull out the barstool next to him.

“Dude, where have you been? I was ready to call the cops and file a missing person’s report.” He passes me a pint of beer.

“Generally, you do that within forty-eight hours, not forty-eight days.” I take a drink of my beer.

“Shit. Has it been that long?”

“Probably closer to sixty.” I shrug.

“Damn. Where did the time go?”

“You got me. Things got a little complicated up in Harbor Highlands.”

“Oh shit. Josie again?” He peers over to me.

I bark out a laugh. “No. But I did run into her. So that was great. This is a little more complicated than that.”

“Unless it’s another girl, I don’t think it could get more complicated than Josie.” His jaw drops when I don’t answer him. “Shit. You always find yourself surrounded by girl drama. Speaking of which, your ex-girlfriend’s been looking for you. She said she sent you some messages that went unanswered.”

My eyebrows knit together, unsure who he’s referring to.

He senses my confusion and says, “Jami.”

“Oh. She’s not an ex.” I shake my head.

“She was only your foreman’s daughter who you fucked on his desk?”

“Yeah. Pretty much.” My stomach twists into knots. After my time with Hollyn, the way he says that makes me feel like a scumbag. I couldn’t imagine doing that to her, yet that’s exactly what she’s accusing me of. I bring the pint glass of beer to my mouth and take a big gulp.

“Good. So, I hope you don’t mind, I offered her my services as a distraction since you weren’t around.”

His comment catches me off guard, and I choke on my beer. “She’s all yours, man.”

Jami isn’t my cupcake vixen. Hell, she doesn’t even compare. Hollyn’s grounded and knows what she wants. She knows when to take the reins in any situation and when she wants me to take over. In and out of the bedroom. Every day she surprises me, especially with the dirty talk.

“What’s up with your face? You’re glowing.”

Jason pulls me from my thoughts of Hollyn. “Glowing? What are you talking about?”

“You have that wistful, looking off into the distance look because you’re thinking of someone. It’s like when chicks get those cartoon hearts in their eyes when they’re in love…wait…” Jason leans in and whispers, “Are you in love? Is that the complication?” A few seconds pass and I don’t give him a reply. “Holy shit. You’re in love.

Is this love? Do I love her? Dammit. I think I love the girl.
