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Charlie glances down at the tests and then peers back to meet my eyes. “You have your answer.”

My hands fly up to cover my face. “I can’t look. Tell me what they say.”

Parisa and Olivia move to stand next to Charlie and one by one they each give an answer.

“Plus sign.”

“Two lines.”


My hands fall to my sides. I’m pregnant. I’m having a baby. I swallow hard. Then the corner of my mouth tips up and I inhale a deep breath. “I’m pregnant.”




When I arrive back to Harbor Highlands, my first stop is the bakery because I know that’s where Hollyn will be and I need to see her. I pull up to the curb at the building’s front. I unlock the door and jog into the kitchen.

All night I thought about her. The two-hour drive back, she was the only thing on my mind. We’ve both said things we didn’t mean, and I know we’ll work past everything because deep down I know she’s the one I’m supposed to be with.

She’s standing at the center worktable, rolling out dough. When my footfalls hit the linoleum floor, she glances up. A sparkle lights up her hazel eyes and her mouth tips up into a smile. I stalk toward her, and she turns to face me. As soon as we’re toe to toe, my hands grasp her cheeks and I crash my lips to hers, not wanting to spend another second not touching her. Her hands reach up to my chest and her fingers clench the fabric of my shirt, holding on as if I’m her lifeline. And I want to be that for her. I want to be her everything.

Her eyes are still closed when I pull away. Slowly, they flutter open.

“Hi.” Her voice is almost a whisper.


“I won’t complain if you greet me like that every day.” She brushes the flour handprints from my shirt.

“Done.” I wrap one arm around her waist and pull her so she’s flush against me. Bending down, I press my lips to hers once more, except this time it’s a quick peck. “I have some news for you.”

“I have some news for you too, but you go first.”

I reach for her hand and intertwine our fingers. “I have a car full of boxes.”

Her eyebrows squish together in confusion.

“I packed up my apartment, or most of it. I’m staying in Harbor Highlands. A friend’s sister is actually looking for a place, so he sent her a message about subletting my apartment.”

“You’re staying? You’re really staying?” Her face lights up with excitement. She releases my hand and wraps hers around my neck, drawing me in for a hug.

“I am. I don’t want to be without you.”

“But what about the interviews? What if they call you?” Her eyes search mine as if she’s unsure I’m telling her the truth.

“I’m pretty sure they won’t be calling me. My heart wasn’t in it because all I could think about was you and I couldn’t bear being away from you.”

A wide smile covers her face. “I’m really glad to hear that because my news is big. Life changing. And having the extra money from not paying for your old apartment is going to help. A lot.”

“What is it?” I can’t help but share in her excitement with a smile of my own. Whatever has her this happy will make me happy as well.

“I’m pregnant.”

Those two words have haunted me for a long time. Not because of what it entails but because the last time I heard them it was a lie. My mind flashes to when Josie told me she was pregnant. I was ready to take on the responsibility of being a parent and taking care of my family. But then she dropped the bomb that it may not be mine. Without thinking, I word vomit the only thing that comes to mind. “Is it mine?”
