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Then everything comes to life when I imagine Hollyn in the kitchen, dancing around without a care in the world as she bakes. She’d softly sing as she twirls from one side of the room to the other all while whisking something in a bowl or shaking her hips as she pipes frosting. I know this would be the perfect place for us to start new. Start together.

“So, Van, what do you think?” Denise asks from the doorway.

With one last glance around the old and dilapidated building, I turn toward her. “It’s perfect. I’ll take it.”

* * *

When I took on this project, I had no idea what I was actually getting myself into. While I know my way around a tool bench, all of this is over my head. Once I signed the closing documents, I immediately went to work on fixing this place up. I want to get the new bakery running as soon as possible. The hardest part is keeping all of this a secret from Hollyn. Selling the bakery was the worst decision I’ve ever made, but also the best because now we get to do this together. She’s always wanted to have her own bakery. It’s been her dream and I want to make her dreams come true.

I dial Bennett’s phone number. After a few rings, he picks up. “I need help. All the help. So much help.” Desperation laces my tone, and I’m not afraid to admit it.

* * *

Shortly after, Bennett strolls into the bakery with Trey and Seth in tow. “I brought reinforcements.” Bennett hikes his thumb behind him.

“I had no idea you guys knew anything about construction,” I say.

“I’m good with a paint brush.” Seth holds up a bag of various paint brushes and rollers.

“I’ve brought beer and my superior supervisory skills.” Trey sets a twelve pack on the counter.

“Honestly, I’ll take whatever I can get.”

The four of us start with gutting the kitchen. With Bennett’s knowledge in woodworking, he’s tackled the project of refinishing the wood countertop. With the kitchen cleaned out, Seth started applying a fresh coat of paint in there to avoid the sawdust in the front. Trey is excellent at telling all of us what we should do but also, he has connections and is very good at making phone calls. New appliances will arrive in a week. A contractor will install new flooring later this week. I’ll finish the outdoor patio within the next couple of days.

My phone vibrates and I pull it out of my pocket. Hollyn’s name flashes on the screen and I press talk.

“Hey cupcake. What’s up? Is everything okay?”

“Hi Van. Everything is fine.”

A car horn blares in the background.

“What are you doing? Where are you?” Concern laces her voice.

“I’m downtown…wanted to get a bite to eat.” I pinch my eyes shut, hoping she takes the lie. All week, I’ve been avoiding her so I could finish things up at the bakery. I can’t keep this up much longer, otherwise she’s going to suspect something, if she hasn’t already. Plus, I hate being away from her.

“Oh. Okay. I miss you. Maybe we can hang out tonight. Have dinner together?”

My heart sinks. I hate that I’m doing this, but I know she’ll love it when she sees it. “I miss you too, cupcake, but I promised Trey I would help him with something tonight. How about tomorrow?” I hate that I’m involving all of Hollyn's friends in this, but I need this to be perfect.

“Okay.” I can hear the disappointment in her voice. “Tomorrow. Come over and I’ll make us dinner.”

“It’s a date. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

The call disconnects and I shove my phone into my front pocket. I charge toward the bakery and fling open the door. “Trey, if anyone asks, I’m hanging out with you tonight!”




All week, something’s been off with Van, but I haven’t had too much time to dwell on it, which I’m grateful for. On Monday, Charlie called me and said she needed me to help her with baking cookies. When I asked her what they were for, she said it was National Sugar Cookie Day and wanted to celebrate. I missed being in the kitchen, so I wasn’t about to say no to any opportunity to bake. We spent the entire day making enough sugar cookies to feed the entire city. By the time we were done, it was late. I called Van, and he told me to get some rest and he’d talk to me tomorrow.

On Tuesday, Parisa called me for a lunch date and then, when she was done with work, she wanted me to go to her house and help organize the nursery. But mostly we daydreamed about how amazing it’s going to be having our kids around the same age and growing up together. Van called to tell me he was pretty tired from packing up The Sweet Spot and he would talk to me tomorrow.
