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She releases a tiny squeal before racing toward the truck. Her hand runs along the chipped, white metal.

“We’ll need to give her a paint job, and add The Sweet Spot logo to the side, but I had a mechanic check the engine, and everything is in perfect working order.”

Hollyn whirls around and jumps into my arms. Luckily, with my quick reflexes, I’m able to wrap my arms under her so she doesn’t hit the ground. Her gentle hands cup my cheeks as she presses her lips to mine. Soft and warm. I’ve been craving this all week, and the sacrifice has finally paid off.

She pulls away slightly but keeps her hands on my face. “I love it. Everything. But mostly, I love you. You’ve changed my life in more ways than one. You’ve made me live again.”

“I love you too. More than anything. And we’re starting a family together.”

“Our own little cupcake.” She kisses me again. “You’ve done so much for me, the bakery, the food truck…I don’t know how I can ever repay you.”

“All I want is to make you happy.”

Her hands cup my cheeks. “You’re my happily ever after. Not a job, not a ring on my finger. You and only you.”

“You’re my everything.” I press my lips to hers. “One more thing. I think it’s only fitting this ends how it began.”

She pulls back, eyeing me suspiciously. I pull out my phone and press a few buttons, then the opening notes of “It’s Gonna Be Me” play through the speakers. A sweet laugh tumbles from her lips as the song continues to play.

I drop a foot back and then another until I have a little room between us. In sync with the song, I roll my hips and lift the hem of my shirt exposing my abs.

A smile as bright as the sun covers her face. “You are not stripping to NSYNC. In the alley. Where other people can see you.”

“Oh. But I am. And I’m going to look good doing it.” On the last note of the chorus, I thrust my hips.

“Okay! Okay! Stop.” Her laughter is uncontrollable. She reaches forward and tugs on my wrists, pulling me to her so she can wrap her arms around my waist. “How about you finish the dance at home where only I can watch.”

“You don’t want anyone to see this sexy body and my hot dance moves.”

“Something like that.”

Before I can say anything, she rises up to her tip toes and kisses me. So sweet and tender. I snake a hand up her spine so I can hold her to me and never let her go.




“Oh, how cute. Look. A food truck.”

I scrunch my nose and squeeze my eyes shut. Even though it’s been over a year since I’ve seen her last, that voice will always haunt me. I whirl around and plaster on the fakest smile I can muster. “Hi Krystin.”

“Oh my God, Hollyn! I did not know you ran a…food truck. Josie, come here.” Krystin’s nose crinkles as she glances from the front of the truck to the back. Josie saunters up next to Krystin.

I roll my eyes. “I’m surprised The Sweet Spot logo didn’t give it away.”

“I didn’t even notice. But since you’re here and seeing that you’re not busy. I could use your help. I need cupcakes. About four dozen. I placed an order with Cake and Crumbs and they messed up the order twice and I can’t deal with them anymore. You should be able to get them done by next weekend, yes?” Krystin asks.

“Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll have time.” Busy or not, I don’t want to take another order from her.

“The food truck business can’t bethatgreat. I’ll pay you double.”

A part of me takes great satisfaction from the desperation in Krystin’s voice. Of course, I could get it done and the extra money would be nice, but it’s not worth the hassle.

Van strolls up next to her with baby Della strapped to his front and boxes of cupcakes in his hand. As soon as we found out we were having a girl, there wasn’t even a discussion. We wanted to name her Della, after Van’s mom.

“Actually, the food truck business is amazing. Who knew that Harbor Highlands would need a cupcake truck?” Van sets the boxes on the counter. “I have more in the car.”
