Page 54 of Hostile Takeover

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And I couldn’t back out of giving it now.

I left my face makeup free, but slipped my feet into the little fuzzy sandals that had been the last thing in the box. One more deep breath to clear any lingering nerves, and then… I headed out of the room.

To find and fuck my…husband.

The cabin was quiet, reminding me again that all the other guests had been sent off. The most obvious place to look for him was the big room from last night, but it was empty when I stepped in. The fireplace was crackling with a fire he had to have started after we arrived, but I was alone.

And now it was storming.

The strangest storm I’d ever experienced, stepping up to those big double doors to peer outside. The snow swirling in high winds made it hard to see, but I could hear the sleet mixed in with it, pelting against the glass. An eerie rumble started up, loud but simultaneously muffled, so unfamiliar that I didn’t clock it as thunder until a moment later, when a peal of lightning lit up the sky. The jagged streak of light made me jump. I hadn’t experienced the phenomenon of lightning in the snow before.

It was beautiful, yes, but scary as well. Yet I couldn’t tear my eyes from the window, ears keen for the next rumble of thunder so I could witness it again.

“Were you looking for something?”

Panic snatched me by the chest over the sudden sound of Orion’s voice over my shoulder. I whipped toward him, quickly finding there was barely any space to do so with him standing so close. With my back pressed to the frigid glass of the balcony door, I took him in.



A towel around his hips.

Clearly he’d been in the shower, which explained the empty room.

I swallowed the anxiety he’d inspired with his sudden appearance, channeling it into annoyance over him sneaking up on me the way he had. Looking him the face, eyes narrowed, I explained.

“Just here to fulfill my marital duties,” I told him. “That’s what the lingerie was for, right?”

Instead of answering me, he just held my gaze a moment before his eyes dropped down. He stepped back to fully drink me in, then carefully unbelted the robe.

As if it made a difference.

Breathe, bitch, I told myself over and over again, not wanting to be turned on by his scrutiny.

My nipples betrayed me though.

They hardened to achy little peaks under the heat of his attention and he wasn’t even touching me.

I held my breath as he reached out, thinking it was about to happen.

Instead, he grabbed a pillow from a decorative chair nearby, tossing it onto the ground between us.

“I need you on your knees, Mrs. Sterling.”

I wantedso badlyto at least hesitate, to offer even a shred of rebellion against that directive.

But I couldn't.

It was as if the synapses that controlled my movement were connected tohisbrain instead of my own. My knees bent, one after the other, using the hands he offered for support as I dropped down onto the pillow.

He didn't take the towel off.

He just gave me an expectant look.


Apparently it was my job.
