Page 104 of Sidelined

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I don’t mean to, but I find myself grinning as well, awkwardly dipping my head down to hide it. My face feels hot all of a sudden, and I hope Nate’s too out of it to notice.

He’s not.

He cocks his head at me and gestures to Easton’s closed door with the vodka bottle. “Really?”

“What?” I ask, risking a glance at him from beneath my lashes. “I like him.”

“You’re pathetic.”

My shoulders drop, and I avert my eyes, folding my arms over my chest as I stare at the floor next to his feet.


“Don’t think you’re something special. He’s like that with everyone. At first,” he adds cryptically. “I’d lock your door at night if I were you.”

I laugh lightly at that, forcing myself to look up at him. “You make jokes now?”

“I’m not kidding.”

We stare at each other a moment, neither of us moving or saying anything as we listen to Easton banging into something and cursing inside his room.

“What are you doing out here, Nate?” I ask softly, watching as he takes another drink.

My body inches forward like it wants to go to him—to try and comfort him or some shit—but I force myself to stay put, leaving a safe distance between us.

His brows dip and he looks around, like he’s only just realized where he is.

Blocking my door.

Waiting for me…

He says nothing, so I push a little harder. “What do you want from me?”

“I want you to leave.”

But I’m already shaking my head. “I can’t.”

“Why not?”

I hesitate, unsure how to answer that.

“Xavi, I swear to god,” he warns. “Move the fuck out—”

“Or what?” I sigh. “You’ll kill me? Kick my ass again? I’ve heard it all before, man.”

“I mean it this time.”

“No,” I tell him, lifting my chin up in defiance. “You don’t.”

I’m not sure why I’m so confident about that. I just am.

His brown eyes darken, and I swear I can see the thrill in there as he steps closer, invading my space and smearing the tip of the bottle over my bottom lip. “You sure you wanna play this game with me, party boy?”

I flinch and turn my head away, holding my breath as he uses the bottle to bring my face right back to his.

There can’t be more than a drop of vodka on my mouth, but still.

It’s too much.
