Page 287 of Sidelined

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“I will.”

“I admit I get a lot of work done on the nights you’re away. It’s the only thing that distracts me.”

Jenson has settled right into club life. He’s made friends with everyone here, and my brothers love the shit out of him. Despite everything, he’s never judged or spoken badly about anything that goes on around here. When he told me he’s not the person he once was and that he’s grown and changed for the better, he wasn’t shitting me.

“You work too much.”

“It won’t be forever. The company is finally back on track, and now I can start delegating.”

“How’s your dad?” I ask.

“He’s”—he frowns—“okay. Mom visits him almost daily at the continued-care facility even though he recognizes her less and less.”

His dad’s disease is taking him fast and furious. It’s devastating to watch. Not because I give a shit about him, because I don’t. That man was an asshole who purposely tried to raise his son to be an asshole too. But he’s Jenson’s dad, and because of that, I care.

“Sorry about that.” I kiss his temple.

“Every day, I get a little closer to accepting that he won’t be with us much longer.”

“But I will, and I’ll be there for you through it all.”

“I know you will.” He sits up. “I better go get my laptop and finish the email I was sending. If it’s not broken, that is.”

I stretch out the best I can and yawn. “Okay, babe. I’ll be here.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”


* * *

This is only the beginning of the Sons of Erebus MC. The next book is coming soon, so be sure to head over to my website and sign up for my newsletter!


Misty Walker writes everything from dark and delicious, to sweet and spicy. Most of her books are forbidden in some way and many are age-gap, because that’s her jam.

She’s lived quite the nomadic life, never staying in the same place for long until she met her husband. They’ve recently settled in Reno, NV with their two daughters, two dogs, and two hamsters, because everything’s better in pairs.

Misty is fueled by coffee and the voices in her head screaming for their stories to be told. Which is why the coffee is necessary because there are only so many hours in a day and who needs sleep anyway?

If you’d like to keep up to date on all her future releases, please sign up for her newsletter on her website.

Connect with Misty:

[email protected]



Twitter: @mistywalkerbook
