Page 91 of Mad Boys

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Since that day in my room, he hadn’t kissed me once. Good? Bad? Honestly, I had no idea. Lachlan seemed to be growing more human each day, and I liked it.

But I wasn’t sure that Ishouldlike it.

“You realize this is more than last time, right?” Aubrey prodded me to move so she could sit down. With a grunt, I sat up and stared at the stacks of mail.

I wasn’t the only one. Jonas eyed the crates like they were going to explode or something. “So you get this much regularly?”

“Eh,” I said. “It varies. We’ve always tried to answer the mail ourselves, especially the handwritten notes and stuff.”

“Yep,” Aubrey said as she dropped onto the sofa next to me. She wasn’t in any more of a hurry to dive in than I was. “Problem is, they held back on everything since the fire, and I think we just forgot to ask.”

“Nope,” I said. “Didn’t forget. Totally avoided.”

She laughed and bumped my shoulder. “Then it’s your fault we have this many.”

“Yep, we should fire me.”

“Nope,” Aubrey said. “Cause then I’d be stuck here without Yvette to help, and I’m not asking Payton Fucking Webber.”

I snickered. “Oh come on, she’d die if she got to read our fan mail.”

It probably wouldn’t beactualdeath, unfortunately.

“Pretty sure she’d just spit on it,” Aubrey said. “Go make coffee, and then we’re going to divide up the crates and dive in. I’ve got an idea…”

Rising, I glanced at Jonas who still seemed to be studying the mail like it might bite him. “Want some coffee?”

“Not right now,” he said. “But I’ll order us pizza and drinks. ‘Cause this could take hours.”


“Planning to help, Hot Shot?” It was a joke, but the intense way he looked at me erased the humor.

“Yep, unless you don’t want me to.”

“I don’t mind if you help at all, in fact…I’d appreciate it. But it can be boring.”

“Then we turn on a movie or something if we get bored…” So practical.

I grinned. “Pizza sounds great. Aubrey—”

“Prefers white sauce to red on her pizza. She also likes chicken and mushrooms.”

Yes, she did.

“And spinach,” he said after a moment. “The weird stuff.”

“It’s only weird if you don’t like spinach,” Aubrey retorted. “But that sounds amazing. Thank you.”

“Welcome.” He glanced at me. “Same thing as always?”

Since I could eat practically any kind of pizza and apparently so could Jonas, we’d gotten into the habit of ordering one vegetarian and one meat lovers. I grinned. “Yes, please.”

“Are you going to drink soda?” He glanced at Aubrey. “Or do you want the fancy water stuff?”

“It’s just fizzy water and it’s not that fancy,” Aubrey replied with a nearly indulgent smile. “But I think I’ll need caffeine so get a couple of the two liter bottles?”

“Okay,” he said as he pulled out his phone. “I’ll be right back.” Then he vanished into his room.

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