Page 94 of Mad Boys

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“Why am I supposed to be watching her?” Jonas demanded of Lachlan who sat on the sofa in my suite, legs stretched out with his feet on the table. At least he’d taken off his damn shoes this time.

“Just watch her,” Lachlan said. “She has enough shit to deal with here. You’re more likely to punch first and ask questions later anyway.”

Our younger brother eyed Lachlan like he was about to make good on that statement. “Jonas,” I said, pulling his attention toward me. “You know there are clubs on campus and…”

“And the stupid Knots and Chains people.” He made a face. “I’ve had four invites so far.”

Lachlan sat up and I sighed. “Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Secret society?” he drawled, then popped the lid on the soda he planned to drink. “Remember? Besides, you’re both in it, so I figured you’d know.”

I didn’t laugh, but I thought about it. Lachlan scrubbed a hand over his face. “How did you—you know, never mind. You know about it. Great. They are trying to recruit Ace into it. Don’t let her take off on anything that might be a ‘secret’ meeting or a quest.”

Jonas wasn’t the only one staring at Lachlan. Arms folded, I leaned back against the counter. Classes ended thirty minutes earlier, and Jonas came down after he walked KC back to their room. The pair had been thick as thieves the last few weeks.

To be honest, I wasn’t entirely sure how I felt about it. Not with his past issues, his history of internalizing everything, and the violent explosions of temper that burst out randomly. As much as I’d worried about them sharing such close proximity, she was good for him.


My feelings on it were complicated.

“Exactly how is he supposed to know if she is going off on a ‘secret’ anything?” The point of a secret was she wouldn’t tell anyone.


A headache thumped behind my eyes as Lachlan snorted. “Just follow her.”

“That’s your style,” Jonas countered. “Surprised you aren’t out in the bushes right now.”

“Is she outside?” Lachlan snarked and I rubbed my face. “‘Cause if you let her leave on her own, it won’t be my bruised face we’re dealing with.”

Jonas grinned, though it was not a friendly smile. “I’d like to see you try.”

“Enough,” I told both of them. The tone did what no amount of words ever could. While the pair of them had often sniped and bickered over the years, I rarely fought with them if I could help it.

“He started it,” Lachlan muttered.

“I’ll finish it, too.”

Kill me. “Enough,” I repeated, and they both glared at me. While Jonas’ expression was more sulky than heated, Lachlan was pissed.

“You and I both know—”

“We do,” I said with a slice of my hand. But Jonas didn’t and we weren’t bringing up Kelly, the set-up,orthe fucking fallout in front of him. RJ’s choices that day still infuriated me. While Lachlan had taken great pleasure in exacting some kind of revenge over the years, it would never be enough.

While I’d never punched the asshole myself, I had a feeling if I ever let go, I might not stop. I understood where Jonas got his temper from, because I had the same one.

“What do you know?” Jonas demanded, glancing back and forth between us.

“Just tell me Ace is in your suite,” Lachlan said, without answering his question.

For a moment, a very long moment, I thought Jonas might keep the answer to himself, but he sighed. “Yes, she’s working on answering a few fan letters they didn’t get to last week, then we’re going to get dinner at the dining hall before we meet Aubrey back at the suite to finish this last season ofLove is Blind.”

The absolute bewilderment over the last item on his verbal list was the only thing arresting the sudden surge of—jealousy? Envy? Irritation? The label defied definition at the moment.

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