Page 7 of Reckless Thief

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“If you didn’t do anything…”

“Yeah, don’t try that with me. Innocent or guilty, everyone has the right to an attorney. I also have a concussion, according to the paramedic here.”

Pointing her out to the cop seemed to remind him she was there. Yes, we have a witness, don’t be a dick.

“Which means I might have some cognitive impairments that could lead to confusion in answering your questions. It’s better for all of us if I call an attorney and have them here. I should probably get cleared by a doctor too.”

The longer I spoke, the more sour the cop’s expression turned.

“I’m going to get my phone out.” Before he said anything, I added, “I’ll also want my gun back. I have a license, but you know that since you also have my wallet.”

Genuine surprise flickered over his face. “Look…”

“Pete,” another cop called as he strolled up. “I got this.”


Pete scowled, then jerked his thumb to the side. “I’ll deal with him then…”

Following the gesture, I frowned. “Him” was Milo. “Why is he in cuffs?”

“I’ll take care of it,” Vasquez said in a firm voice. “Neither of these guys are—”

“He just got out of jail—” Pete argued, interrupting Vasquez, and there was something to be said for the fact that Vasquez rolled his eyes.

“He finished his sentence and was released,” Vasquez cut him off. “He’s not on probation, so let it go and walk away.”

The last seven words were delivered in a cold, brusque tone of a man who was done. I caught Milo’s gaze as Vasquez dealt with his friend and the paramedic removed the cuff from my arm. The hospital debate was coming, but I’d skip that. Doc was back at the clubhouse.

He could handle the follow-up.

“Mind if I get my wallet and gun back before you go?” I asked before Pete could take off. I wasn’t getting a friendly vibe from him. The fact he passed both over to Vasquez rather than me was fine. As soon as the irritation was gone, though, I glanced at the paramedic. “I’m good.”

“You should go to the hospital…”

Raising a hand to stop her, I shook my head carefully. The world wasn’t quite swimming but fuck the pound in my head intensified. “I’ve got a personal doc. I’ll go see him. Promise. Give me what you need me to sign off on for choosing against following your medical advice. And thank you.”

Her sigh spoke volumes. “Can you persuade him?” She looked to Vasquez for help, but Dan Vasquez had known all of us for a long time and shook his head.

“No, I know his physician friend. He’ll be in good hands.” That seemed to persuade the paramedic more than anything else. She wrote up something on a clipboard and another on a digital tablet.

I scanned both items then signed them. After standing, I glanced at the shop. The world wasn’t doing me any favors with the sway, but I got my shit together to remain on my feet.

Then I looked at Vasquez. “Why is Milo cuffed?”

“I’m taking care of it,” he told me. “Let’s answer some ofmyquestions. After that, I can get you two out of here.”

When I checked on Milo again, he just lifted his chin. The fact he was seated on a curb with his hands cuffed behind his back pissed me off.

“Uncuff him,” I told Vasquez. “I’ll call my attorney…”

“Really?” He eyed me. “This will go faster…”

“If you just stop trying to use your authority to intimidate us, that would be best. It didn’t work when I was sixteen,” I reminded him. “It’s not going to work now. Uncuff him.”

My shoulder stung as I shifted. However I’d deal with whatever that was later.

“Yeah,” Vasquez sighed, then passed me the wallet. “The gun you get when we’re finished.”

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