Page 10 of Heartful

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“I’m fine,” I say.

I pull my hand from his grip, and he lets go instantly.

“Simon, Alice, I trust you have been able to chat a little?” The creep is back, standing next to us as he grins his Cheshire cat smile.

“Boris,” Simon says.

I turn to face the man. Simon’s expression conveys dislike for the guy, but I think that’s his normal look. I can’t really tell if he cares one way or the other.

“You’re the director?” I ask Boris, and he turns his beady eyes on me.

“One and only,” he says, and I nod.

“Well, I would like to withdraw from the show.” I cross my arms over my chest and level him with my most intimidating stare. It might not be very intimidating, but it’s all I have.

“Oh?” He frowns.

I notice Simon’s gaze is on my face, burning a hole in the side of my cheek.

“Now, Alice, we’ve barely begun. There’s no reason to go rushing off before the fun starts.”

“Believe me, this won’t be fun. For either of us,” I say, gesturing between me and Simon.

“Did he say something to upset you?” Boris asks, stepping a little closer, mimicking a concerned expression. It looks more like he’s constipated.

“No.” Yes. Only every time we’ve ever interacted. The man is rudeness personified.

“Do you two … know each other?” Boris is glancing between Simon and me now, eyebrows raised, and his concern has morphed into glee.

“Yes,” Simon cuts in.

I stare at him. I didn’t expect him to admit he knows me. I don’t know why.

“Oh, this is perfect. You two know each other and don’t like each other to boot.” Boris reads us right at least. “TV gold, I tell you. Gold.” He slaps his hands together again, and I’m starting to get annoyed by the sound.

“If she doesn’t want to do this anymore, you should let her out,” Simon says.

I narrow my eyes at him. “Sticking up for me now?” I ask.

He doesn’t reply. Looks like he doesn’t want to do this with me as much as I don’t want to do this with him.

“Ah, as much as I’d love to do that,” Boris drawls, his tone saying he wouldn’t love that at all, “I can’t. You two signed contracts for the full six weeks unless you are the couple that is cut.”

“Then, cut us today.”

“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” Boris says. “It’s not up to me.”


“There’s a poll for fans to vote on, and the lowest-rated couple will leave. But something tells me that just from that opening scene, you two little lovebirds will be a fan favorite. Buckle up, you two. You’re in it for the long haul.” Boris winks and walks away, a chuckle sneaking out as he leaves.

I look back at Simon, who hasn’t taken his eyes off me, and I worry my lower lip.

“Well, shit,” I say, reaching up to rub my temples.

“My thoughts exactly,” Simon replies.
