Page 81 of Reluctant Heir

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“It’d be dangerous if you left,” I say.

“I want to see my brother,” she says, looking down at her hands that are tucked between her legs.

“I’ll find out where he is. In the meantime, do you want a shower? Some food? Sleep?”

“A shower sounds nice,” she says, her eyes perking up, and I smile at her.

“Let me show you how it works,” I say over my shoulder as I walk toward the bathroom, intent to describe the futuristic shower to her and then order up some soup.



“You have to call a meeting,” Geo says, following my steps to the office as we leave the kitchen.

I glower at him over my shoulder. “I don’t have to do anything.”

“Don’t be an ass,” he mutters, and I whirl on him.

“What is it with everyone calling me an ass lately?” I growl, and Geo doesn’t look put out in the slightest.

“Call a meeting. I have information on the flower shop.”

“What? Why are you just now telling me this?”

“There wasn’t a good time. I got off the phone right before Francesca showed up. Speaking of her, what are you going to do with her?”

“She can’t stay,” I say with a sigh.

Geo nods. “I know. It’s the smartest thing to do.”

“Call the meeting.” I really don’t want to discuss Francesca anymore. I know I should offer her asylum, but it’d put my family in danger, all for a girl I don’t know.

I can’t save them all, right? What if Viktor chooses to hurt Lilliana in punishment?

My hands are tied when he has a piece of my heart under his roof.

No, Francesca has to go, and I can’t let myself feel bad about it. Preferably tomorrow, before Fernando has a chance to find out she’s here.

“It’s already done,” Geo says, and I give him a sharp look. “It’s part of my job to anticipate. They’ll be here in thirty minutes.”

I don’t say anything, but it irritates me that he finds me that predictable—to call a meeting before I even gave the go-ahead because he knew I would do it.

“Fine, show them in when they arrive.”

Geo nods and turns away, walking in the opposite direction, knowing I need some time to myself.

I walk in the office door and sink behind the desk.

I open the file in front of me again. It’s been taunting me since my father died. For so long, I’ve wondered about all the shady shit he did without even telling me. Now, the information is at my fingertips, and I don’t have to wonder anymore.

Maybe he didn’t tell me because even he knew how deplorable it was. It still is. It’s ongoing, and those other shits are involved. Their faces flash through my mind, each making me feel more disgusted than the last. Trafficking humans. Stealing them away from their families, their friends, their lives and killing their souls.

How do they live with themselves?

I grew up around all manner of evil, but even to me, this is another level. I wonder if he ever planned on telling me. Maybe once it was established, fully off the ground.

From the information I’m seeing outlined in front of me, this was a fledgling operation. Started two years ago with many working parts but not fully fleshed out. There are kinks in the plans, and maybe I can use that to my advantage. They’ve moved around a lot. I don’t know if it’s to keep suspicion off of them or if they’ve had to change who they trust.
