Page 75 of The Ruin of Gods

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“You should give her a bit of grace, Maddox. She’s a confused young woman between spending her formative years in Hell and then becoming a deity.”

I step toward my brother, anger bubbling. “I was with her for a year in case you forgot. A year when I gave her patience and care. I’m more aware than even her twin sister of just how confused she is. But there came a time when I needed her to give back. There was a time when I told her my feelings and she clearly didn’t return them. Her words, not mine. There’s no more grace to give. I’m done with her and moving on with my life. I certainly hope she does the same.”

Carrick considers my words, his silence uncomfortable.

Finally, he inclines his head. “I see your point and I agree with you.”

I blink at him, then become suspicious. “You do?”

“Yeah… some things aren’t meant to be. You did all you could.”

Fuck if that doesn’t rankle and I turn away to whack at the dense forest again. Part of me expects—maybe even wants—him to continue to argue with me about it. Perhaps show me some wisdom I hadn’t considered.

But Carrick doesn’t see anything there between me and Zora and it confirms what I already knew.

I’m doing the right thing by moving on.

I turn back to tell him so, that he needs to let it be because I’m going to do the same.

Except he’s gone, and that irritates me even further.



Another summons comes,stronger than the last. It’s Cato’s power I feel particularly, almost as if I’m getting zapped with his lightning bolt. It’s full of exasperation, which I suppose is preferable to his ire.

Since the big calamity—when Rune escaped prison, stole the Blood Stone, and used it in an attempt to return to power, followed by my subsequent destruction of said stone (with a minor shout-out to Carrick for killing Rune)—things have been strained with the other gods.

They all woke up from their venom-induced comas and once we were back in our godly realm with warm breezes and fluffy clouds, I told them the entire story. The only thing they remember is Ariman appearing in that realm—shocking them so thoroughly he was able to stun them with the Blood Stone. They each remember with vivid detail the snake sinking fangs into their flesh, delivering a venom that completely incapacitated.

Simply put, they were embarrassed.

They’re also scared, because it was the first time in their eons upon eons of memories that such a thing has occurred. The gods simply have never been opposed and now they wonder if future threats will come about.

I find it amusing, seeing them so bent out of shape about it. I guess as someone who was raised in Hell, I let things roll off my back a bit better.

I receive another jolt, an intense summoning, and with a sigh, I answer it. I’ve all but ignored them the last few weeks while I’ve taken time to ponder my life. I’ve spent a lot of time hiking around my home in Switzerland with my dogs and joining Carrick and Finley for meals here and there.

Mostly, I’ve wondered about Maddox and why it seemed he hated me when he awoke from his death slumber. I refuse to ask Carrick and Finley their thoughts because they won’t be afraid to tell me brutal truths. And I’m not ready to hear them yet.

Finley did broach it with me a few days ago. “Have you heard from Maddox?”

I was terse. “No. And I don’t care to.”

She mumbled “stubborn” under her breath, but then she tried to poke at me a bit more. “Carrick just saw him.”

I almost blurted out, “How was he? Why is he so angry at me? Will he forgive me?”

But instead, I changed the subject and asked how she had cooked the carrots served with the Cornish hen. They were buttery and sweet and I’d like to make them myself.

Envisioning the Council gazebo, I leave my chalet and appear on the dais. Cato, Circe, Veda and Onyx await me.

“It’s about time.” Circe sniffs haughtily.

“You’re lucky I came at all.”

Her face flushes but it’s Veda who steps into the conversation. Always the peacemaker, she says, “Thank you for coming. We’re worried about things and would like to discuss it as a whole.”

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