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“Didn’t expect to find you two back here again,” my grandfather said, a half grin pulling at his lips. “Don’t you have a house you could be foolin’ around in?”

“Why the hell are you out here in the rain?” I looked around the clearing. “On foot?”

“Daily walk,” he replied innocently.


“Your gram gets on me if I don’t get my exercise.”

“You’re in better shape than I am,” I replied flatly.

“Hey, Emmy girl,” he said, ignoring my comment as he leaned down into my window. “How you been, honey?”

“I’m good Mr.—”

Gramps cut her off with a huff.

“I’m good, Gramps,” she amended.

“You bring that grandbaby by tonight,” he ordered, pointing at her. “No excuses. Been here two damn days, and we haven’t even met him yet.”

“They got here yesterday,” I corrected.

“That’s right,” he replied, straightening back up. “Today and yesterday.”

“We’ll bring him over.”

“Damn right, you will,” he said, glaring at me. “And stop maulin’ the girl out in the rain. You’re too damn old for that shit. You got a bed, use it.”

“I wasn’t—” I sputtered.

Gramps just raised one eyebrow.

“Understood,” I muttered.

“I’ll see ya tonight,” he said as he backed up a step. “Gram will make dinner. Bye, Em.”

“Bye, Gramps,” Emilia called as he walked away.

“Nosy old coot,” I mumbled as I rolled the window back up.

“I cannot believe that just happened,” Emilia moaned in embarrassment, pulling her sweatshirt up until it covered everything below her eyes. “How did he even know where we were?”

I started to chuckle as I put the car in reverse and turned around, and by the time we were making our way back toward the front gate, I was full-out laughing. Jesus, of course he’d come out there to give me shit. Ofcoursehe had.

“What?” Emilia asked, staring at me like I was crazy. “What? Why are you laughing?”

“They always knew where we were at,” I told her between laughs. “Every fuckin’ time.”

“What?” she yelled.

“It wasn’t a secret,” I replied, glancing at her. “You had to know that.”

“I did not know that,” she replied, letting the sweatshirt fall from her face. “What do you mean, it wasn’t a secret?”

“All the boys knew where we were and exactly what we were doin’,” I said, waving at the prospect as he opened the gate from us. “Hell, they used to throw condoms at me on a daily basis.”

“You told them?” she asked in disbelief, smacking my shoulder. “Gross!”
