Page 16 of The Baby Contract

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When he finally breaks the kiss, I'm gasping for breath. He looks down at me, his eyes dark with desire.

"You're so beautiful," he says, running his hand down my body and reaching around to the clasp of my bra. "Can I take this off?"

I feel a flush spread across my cheeks, and I can't help but smile as I nod. I've never felt this desired before, and it's intoxicating. Gray unclasps my bra with ease and pulls it from my shoulders, his eyes sparkling with desire as he stares at my boobs.

"I've gotta get a taste of you, gorgeous," he murmurs. "But I want you to tell me what you like while I do. Tell me how you like to be touched, what you crave...and I'll do it all."

I inhale sharply as he wraps his lips around one of my nipples, sucking and teasing with his teeth. I tangle my fingers in his hair and keep him there, moving from one breast to the other, unable to speak.

"Talk to me, Claire," he growls. "I've gotta know what you want me to do."

"Just...this," I say. "This is good."

"Jesus, your body is perfect," he says. He licks my nipples, rakes his teeth over my skin, squeezes my breasts. "I can't believe anyone wouldn't want to make you a mama."

I need him touching me more, I need us both naked. "Will you..."

I pause.

I've never justaskedfor that before.

"Tell me what you need, beautiful," he says. "Second rule."

"Will you eat me out?" I blurt out.

Gray chuckles. "I was hoping you'd ask."

He reaches down and, in one swift movement, practically tears my panties off. I bite my lip as he descends between my legs, his mouth pausing on my pussy. I can feel him breathing me in, savoring that first taste.

Grabbing his shoulders, I pull him toward me, needing to feel his mouth on me. He doesn't disappoint, his tongue immediately finding my clit. He licks me hungrily, his big hands holding my hips to the bed. I gasp as the pleasure washes over me, and I try to speak, but my words are jumbled, half-formed as he presses me against his mouth.

I'm panting, my body glistening with sweat as I lay back, letting him have his way with me. He opens me up, simultaneously sucking and licking my clit, his tongue flicking along the sides.

I'm not sure how much more I can take. I'm so close, the tension in my body coiling up with every lick, every kiss. I've never felt anything like it before, and I can't get enough of his mouth on me. He's got me right on the edge, and I'm about to fall over the cliff. My breaths are ragged.

I can barely speak. "Gray...please..."

"Please what, darlin'?" he says, his warm breath sending shivers across my skin.


He licks me again, harder, his mouth moving over my pussy. I'm so close, so close...


"Tell me," he growls, sending his tongue across my clit.

"I need to come."

"Good girl."

He laps at my pussy one last time, and I'm gone. I come hard, bucking my hips, moaning as the orgasm washes over me. Gray doesn't let up, dragging a second wave out of me before he gets to his knees at the end of the bed. His hands are on me again, plucking at my nipples, roaming over the rolls of my waist, the swell of my hips.

"Your shithead ex would have to be insane to let you go," Gray growls. "Fuckin' hell, I could spend all night licking that sweet pussy...but you want something else, don't you Claire?"

"Yes," I breathe. "I want your cock."

Gray scrambles for the button of his jeans, his zipper, shedding his clothes as quickly as possible. He rustles in his pockets for something, and I see him pull out a condom--but I sit up and say, "Wait!"
