Page 22 of Scars

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“See? Pretty fucking simple.” I throw my hands in the air. People stare as they pass us by. “Let’s just get in the car and go home. I just can’t right now. I don’t wanna hear any more.” I shake my head, pulling away from him, and wrap my arms around my waist so that he can’t reach for me again. I wish we had driven separately.

We walk to the car in silence. As I wait for him to retrieve the keys, I glance over my shoulder just as Cooper’s truck drives by. We lock eyes as he passes. I say a silent prayer that this is the last time I’ll have to see him. Maybe he’s just in town on a visit and will be gone by morning—one can only hope.

Once settled in the passenger seat, I cross my arms and stare out the window, ignoring Austin as he turns the car on.

The short ride is tense and silent. It’s so quiet I’m pretty sure Austin can hear my heavy beating heart.

When Austin pulls up in front of our house, neither of us makes a move to get out.

Still staring out the window, I break the silence first. “When did you see him? How did you see him?”

Austin sighs heavily. “Shannon called me and said that he had randomly shown up on their doorstep last week and needed something to keep him busy, so I thought since Coach isn’t doing the fall training clinic—”

“Austin,” I interrupt, saying his name as a warning. “Please tell me you did not offer him a job at the high school.”


When I glance over at him, I can see the whites of his knuckles from his tight grip on the steering wheel.

A maniacal laugh slips from my lips. This has to be some sort of dream, right?No, it’s a fucking nightmare. So much for Cooper not sticking around for long.

“So, let me get this straight. You find out the man who broke my heart is back after six fucking years. You see him and never tell me until I find out on my own in front of everyone. And then I learn you got him a job atmyschool.”

“Well, he hasn’t accepted the job yet. It was only an offer, and he said he needed to think about it.”

Seriously? Is that supposed to make me feel better?I let out a scream, but my hands cover my face, muffling the sound. I grab my purse and exit the car, slamming the car door before he can respond.

I can’t even look at my best friend right now.

After a long, hot shower—enjoy your cold shower, Hayes, because I’m pretty sure I used up all the hot water—I come back to my room, and something grabs my attention on my nightstand.

I close the distance to find a bright blue-and-white cup with the ice cream shop logo. Propped up against the milkshake is a white envelope with my name on it.

When did he get this? Was I really in the shower that long for him to run back into town, get this, and come back?

I sit on the edge of the bed, still wrapped up in my towel, and bring one foot underneath me as I take the first sip of the sweet treat.Mm, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup.Damn, that’s good. Austin is not playing fair here.

Opening the envelope, I smirk when I pull out a red card with a bright yellow lightning bolt in the center. I’m always teasing him, saying he looks just like the actor who plays the Flash, and when I gave him a bag full of Flash memorabilia, including this notecard set, for his birthday one year, he said he would “never ever use them to spite me.”

No need to say “I told you so” that one day he would.

I open up the card to reveal a note in his chicken scratch handwriting.


I am truly and honestly sorry for keeping this from you. It was never my intention to hurt you. I was hoping to find a way to tell you the news that might ease the blow and shock, but it all backfired in my face. You are my best friend, and I would never intentionally hurt you—I hope you know that.

Love, A.

I hate that this apology note has gone straight to the feels. Deep down, I know he meant well, and in his mind, he was trying to protect me. I just wish that he would have been open and honest from the beginning when Shannon called. He and I are a team. Deciding it’s best to make him sweat it out, I finish the milkshake and toss the empty cup in the trash can.

Once changed into my pajamas, I set the card back on the nightstand and crawl under the covers. I don’t bother closing the curtains as I lie down and stare up at the stars.

I fall asleep to the sound of Cooper’s voice, whispering those eight words that have engraved themselves into my mind, body, and soul—I love you to the stars and back.

Chapter 8

