Page 31 of Scars

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“I’m well aware, but I want you and am willing to do whatever I need to do to have you wearing a Knights jersey.”

“Wow, I’m not really sure what to say. I need to go, but can I think about it?”

“Of course. Think about it and talk it over with your parents. I know you’re eighteen already, but this is a lot to take in. You can reach me on this number. I look forward to hearing from you.”

The call disconnected, and I stared at it, still in shock. After pocketing my phone, I pinched my arm tightly. When I winced at the pain, I realized, nope, I wasn’t dreaming.

Noise from behind me caused me to spin around, and I found the main entrance door opening and a nurse wheeling Riley out in her wheelchair.

I rushed over to meet them. “Hey, babe.” I leaned down and pressed a quick kiss to her lips before stepping back and moving in to relieve the nurse from pushing her chair. “Thank you,” I said to the nurse before turning back to Riley. “Sorry, I stepped outside for some air.”

Riley glanced back over her shoulder. “It’s fine, Coop. Jeanie wheeled me out after my session, and the girl up front gave me the message.” She tilted her head to study my face, but thankfully, the moment I saw her, my look of shock faded. “Everything okay?”

Tell her about the call, Cooper. Tell her that the team still wants you.I pushed those thoughts aside and instead told her about Beau.

“Yeah, there was a kid that asked me for my autograph. He told me I was his hero.”

We reached my truck, and I pressed the brakes on her chair before unlocking and opening the door. I scooped her into my arms and carefully placed her in the passenger seat, careful not to bump her immobilized leg.

“All good?”

She nodded, giving me a weak smile. Her sessions were exhausting for her. She typically took a nap right after.

I quickly shut the door, broke down the chair, and set it in the truck’s bed. She hated that thing, but because of her wrist, she couldn’t maneuver around on crutches till it healed better.

Once settled in the driver’s seat, I put the key in the ignition. But before I could turn it, Riley leaned over and placed her hand in mine, lacing our fingers. “Cooper,” she exhaled. “I know you might not think it, but you made that little boy’s day. He’s going to remember that, probably for the rest of his life.”

“I’m nobody’s hero.” I shook my head and stared out the windshield.

“Hey.” Riley raised her voice in the cab of the truck. “You’re my hero, Cooper Graham.”

When I turned to face her, her smile was wide, and for the first time in forever, I saw a glimpse of my girl. She might call me her hero, but what she didn’t know was that she was mine.

Chapter 11


Ace:What the fuck, man? You don’t call. You don’t write. You’re breaking my fucking heart.

I shake my head at the dramatics of his text message.

Me:That would imply that you had a fucking heart for me to break.

Ace:You wound me.

Ace:I can’t believe you’re leaving me hanging and missing out on our post season beach trip.

For the last few years, the guys and I took a trip to the Dominican Republic at the end of the season to decompress and relax. Beaches, babes in bikinis, and brewskis were all we needed, Ace always said.

Ace:The guys don’t give a shit that you’ve been dethroned from the knighthood.

I bark out a loud laugh. One of the first nights after they fired me and the guys were free, they came over and drank ourselves silly. By the end of the night, we were recreating a scene fromKing Arthur, but instead of making me a knight at the round table, I was being dethroned. We got out toy swords and all.

“Off with his head,” Ace shouted in a terrible British accent. Beer had splashed out of the top of the bottle and all over the floor.

Me:Nah, thanks for the invite, but I can’t leave. I’ve got some commitments that I can’t skip out on.

What kind of dick move would that be? Agreeing to this, making it a few sessions, and then bailing. I might be an asshole, but I’m not that much of an asshole.
