Page 70 of Scars

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“Just because you don’t live here, son, doesn’t mean I can’t still ground you,” he teases back. “Alright, now, let’s eat.”

Chapter 29


Ifsomeoneaskedmemy top favorite things to do, it would include making Riley come, the noises she makes when she does said action, kissing Riley, and holding her in my arms.

Two of those things I’m currently doing—not the making her come part since we’re standing outside her classroom at the moment. She had to drop her car off for an oil change this morning, so I drove her in.

We walked hand in hand in the silent hallways. Students won’t arrive for another forty-five minutes, so teachers are slowly making their way to their classrooms to get ready for the day. What was supposed to be a quick kiss goodbye has turned into lingering and heated kisses. Neither of us can get enough of each other. It doesn’t matter that we spend almost all of our spare time together; we’re still making up for lost time. Honestly, I’m not sure I’ll ever get enough of her.

Her fingers thread through the hairs at the nape of my neck as my hands slide down to her hips and tug her against me. My erection, now straining against my jeans, presses against her.

“Mm.” Riley lets out a soft whimper as my tongue plunges into her mouth.

“Baby, you need to stop making noises like that before I say fuck it, drag you into your classroom, lock the door, and bend you over your desk like I’ve envisioned every time I’m in there.”

We lose ourselves in the kiss until there is a throat clearing beside us, forcing us to step back from each other.

“Oh, sorry to interrupt.” Principal Horne looks absolutely dumbfounded. “I was worried that there were two students about to, umm—” He removes one hand from his pocket and waves it between the two of us. “Well, never mind.”

Riley buries her head in my chest in embarrassment. She can’t even look her boss in the eye, and I can’t hide my laughter.

An awkward silence fills the air, which I can say at least has absolutely killed my boner.

“Well, I’m going to go. You two have a nice day.”

“You do the same, sir.”

Riley stays silent.

“It’s a little funny. I feel like some sort of déjà vu right now, catching the two of you kissing in the hallways. Good to see you two worked things out.” He turns to walk again but halts again. “But maybe try to keep things PG in the workplace.”

“Oh my God,” Riley groans again. When she finally lifts her head, it’s like the fog has finally cleared, and words find her lips. “It won’t happen again, Ian.”

Instead of turning around, he just holds up his hand in the air, acknowledging he heard her.

“What do you mean won’t happen again?” I protest once Ian disappears from view.

Riley playfully slaps my chest, trying to push me away, but that just makes me push against her again. Her back is now flush against the locker, and my arms cage her in.

“I’m serious. My boss just caught me dry humping my boyfriend in the hallway of my workplace. Shit—he signs your paychecks, too, so he’s your boss, too. What if it had been a student? Or—oh my God—what about a parent?”

I bring a hand to my chest and mock the horror before leaning in to steal another kiss, but she pushes me away.

“Cooper, behave. I need to go get ready.”

“Fine,” I groan, resting my forehead on her shoulder and breathing her in once more.

“I love you. I’ll see ya later.” She slips under my arms and presses a quick kiss to my cheek.”

“Love you, too. Have a good day, babe.”

She gives a small wave before entering her classroom.

I pull my truck into my parents’ driveway and park behind the familiar sports car already here with the license plate “ASSMAN.”

“Fuck,” I exhale. Of course he got here early and didn’t tell me. If I had known he was already on his way, I wouldn’t have run errands this morning. First, I swung by the auto shop to pay for Riley’s car in advance after leaving the school. I knew she would’ve fought me had I offered while she was with me. Then, I stopped by the cemetery to have my usual chat with Tanner. Sometimes I talk; sometimes I just sit back against the tree and reminisce.
