Page 12 of The Sheriff's Omega

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“You have that down already.”

Roe arched a brow. “Do I?”

Mack nodded. “I’ve seen you with your kids. You love them fiercely.”

“That’s easy.” Roe’s nose wrinkled. “Trusting another adult enough to love them like that? Too scary.”

Mack covered their linked hands with his free one. “It’s the scariest damn thing in the world, but when it works? It’s the most beautiful experience you’ll ever have.”

Roe looked thoughtful for a moment. “I don’t know if I can do that. I loved James when we first married. Well, I loved who I thought James was. After the first few months, he became a different person. When anyone else was around, he was still loving and supportive, but if we were alone, he basically just ignored me.”

“What did your grandfathers say?”

“Grandpa Roland thought I was exaggerating.” Roe made a face. “He adored James. Grandpa Ben saw right through him, though. He was convinced James only pursued me because he wanted in the company. By then, I was pregnant with Tris, and that made me so happy. Happy enough that I didn’t mind being ignored by my husband.”

“Tris is a good kid.” Mack remembered how happy he’d been when Darren had gotten pregnant. They hadn’t been trying, but they hadn’t beennottrying either. Darren was a park ranger and didn’t want to miss too much work. Mack had just been made a deputy, and he hadn’t wanted to jeopardize that either, but babies had a way of changing things. By the time Lacey arrived, neither of them had wanted to leave her side for a single second.

“Then, a few years later, Daphne came along,” Roe said, smiling happily. “Those two made putting up with James worth everything.”

“Lacey sure changed things when she came along,” Mack said, chuckling. “Before her, we never really thought about kids. We had our work, and we loved traveling. Darren and I would go camping up in Canada at least twice a month. We went all over the country and even made it to the Philippines one year.”

Roe laughed. “How did that work with Lacey?”

“Oh, we still went camping,” Mack said, wincing. “We just went a lot better prepared.”

“I bet.” Roe giggled. “Tris was such a high‍-‍maintenance baby. He would have perished without his homemade fresh organic butternut squash. Well, at least he thought he would.”

Mack laughed, picturing a tiny Tris wailing because he had to eat regular baby food. “I’d have liked to see that.”

“What about when Lacey was older?” Roe asked, stifling his giggles.

“The traveling slowed down, but we got to go to a few places with her. Everything costs more with a kid. It didn’t matter though. Our wanderlust was never the same. I would rather go to the bookstore with her than travel to Italy without her.”

“Oh, I love that.” Roe pretended to swoon. “Such a good papa.”

Mack preened at the compliment. “Lacey doesn’t complain.”

“Do you think we can meet her?” Roe bit his lip once the words were out, clearly second‍-‍guessing himself. “Not that we have to or anything. I know we’re imposing on you as it is.”

Mack scowled. “Hey now. We’re friends. I’d love to introduce you to Lacey and her lady love. She’ll talk your ear off about their upcoming wedding, but she and Renee are lovely women. You’ll like them.”

“I don’t doubt it,” Roe said. “Maybe they can meet Daphne, too. I worry sometimes that she spends so much time with the boys. She doesn’t have many girlfriends. Lord, she hates the school she went to. Said everyone was too pretentious.”

“Are you going to sign up for school here?” Mack asked, already mentally listing the teens he knew. If Daphne needed girlfriends, he’d find her some.

“I think so. Tris is headed to Harvard in a few weeks, so it will just be Daphne. I might see if there’s a good daycare in the area for Benji, but I’m not too worried about that. He’s my surprise baby, so I’m especially enjoying him while he’s cuddly.”

“As it should be.” Mack nodded, remembering those precious years with Lacey. “If you do decide on daycare, we have a good one in town. There are a few kids his age who go, and I can introduce him anytime you want. Ms. Ines runs it out of her home, and I know Min goes.”

When Benji and the others got home from the bookstore, the little boy had been very excited to tell Mack about his new friend, Min. They were about the same age and had bonded quickly. Mack knew Min’s parents and other siblings. They were all friends of the Wilsons. Everything seemed to come back to that family, damn it.

“I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep him away then,” Roe said dryly. “I’ve never seen Benji that excited about meeting someone.”

“At least you’ll have more time for your art,” Mack said with a laugh.

“I wish I could have another baby.” Roe smiled wistfully. “I always wanted a big family. Three kids should really be six, right?”

Mack winced and reached up to feel Roe’s forehead. “You’re not feverish, but you must be sick. Why else would you say something like that?”

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