Page 31 of The Sheriff's Omega

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“That’s the name I gave you when I was yelling at you in the ambulance.”

Mack chuckled. “I love you too, Roland Quincey Dorsey.”

“That is very much not my middle name.”

“Close enough,” Mack said and pulled him down into a kiss.

Chapter 10

Afew days later, they were back in Hobson Hills. Roe sipped his tea and surveyed his new kingdom. The studio was lit with sunshine and packed full of supplies and bits of interesting items he’d collected over the years to use in future projects.

Two completed pieces were displayed above his chair. Harper and he had finished their shadow box and it was gorgeous. Harper had added his own flair by carving and shaping the box to make it appear as if it were a tree trunk. The hole with the painting was so lifelike, Roe thought a squirrel might be tempted to make it a home. Harper had even carved the acorns and wooden leaves to add into the painting.

The gallery in Savannah wanted it so it would be boxed up and shipped soon. The going price was twenty-five thousand, and they already had an interested buyer. The profits would be split between Harper and he. They had another piece in the planning stage that would be just as enchanting.

The other completed piece hanging on his wall was his favorite creation of all time. It was oil and acrylic with lace and leather pressings. Mack’s bare back and broad shoulders dominated the painting, flowing into an enticing hint of his beautiful, firm ass. He looked back over his shoulder, eyes smoldering with heat.

“I can’t look away,” Renee said, horrified.

“He painted a nude of my dad,” Lacey wailed. “Oh my god, his eyes are following me.”

Roe patted her shoulder and sat in his chair, propping his boot up on his ottoman. Two more weeks and it could come off.

He grabbed his sketch book and flipped it to the right page. “Okay, here’s what I’m thinking for you and Renee. Basically, an oil painting collage using a press of your invitation, pressings of your flowers, and bits of other mementos. I want your faces close enough your noses touch, a single veil flowing over your faces. Harper can carve a driftwood frame. What do you think?”

Renee’s eyes widened as she studied the sketch. “I love it. I’d be happy just with the sketch. Damn, you have a lot of talent.”

“Roe, it’s beautiful.” Lacey sat beside him and pulled him into a hug. “Thank you.” She kissed his cheek. “Not just for the picture either. Dad loves you.”

“I’m sorry he got sho—”

Lacey covered his mouth. “Stop apologizing. The important part is you’re both okay.”

“I just want you to know,” Renee said, handing him back his sketchbook, “We’re not making our wedding a double wedding. You’ll have to get your own.”

Roe flushed. “Oh, ha, ha. Are you all sure you’re okay with watching, Ian, Benji and Arthur? Daphne is at Birdie’s house, so it will just be Ian and the babies, and Ian should sleep through the afternoon.”

“He does know that Arthur is just a rabbit, right?” Renee asked Lacey, side eying him.

“He’s my floofy baby.” Roe set his tea cup down and stood again. “This horse farm thing better be worth it. All I want to do is crawl in bed with Ian and stay there.”

“Ew, ew, ew.” Lacey ran from the room, nose wrinkled in distaste.

“Just for cuddles,” he called after her. “Geez, he was shot a few days ago. We’ll have to wait at least a week before we get too active.”

Renee bent over, laughing hard.

He left her to it and kissed Benji and Arthur goodbye. Fergie and the pigs were napping and Mmrr was still pouting about Tris leaving. She had taken to following Mack around, so she might make him her human. With cats, though, one never really knew what would happen.

Tommy and Beth came down the stairs right before he started up them. “Are you two ready to go? Wally’s going to let me drive.”

“No, I’m not.” Wally pocketed the keys and opened the door.

Beth giggled and followed behind the large man. Her bruises were healing and her spirit was bouncing back faster then Roe had thought it would.

Tommy, however, was having a harder time. The fact that Eugene Scott was still missing didn’t help matters. The boy tried to appearnormal, but he was struggling.

Roe squeezed Tommy’s shoulder. “Let’s go pet some horses.”
