Page 100 of Stars At Dusk

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Kage sighed, partly in relief.So what else went down today?

The AI paused.

Mirage?Kage prompted.

I can’t say,Mirage finally replied.

Can’t say or won’t say?

She asked me to keep it from you.

Kage’s body locked.Keep what?he snapped.

If an AI could sigh, Mirage would have done.There was a small incident. Somebody stole a necklace of great value from her. I’m working hard to retrieve it.

Was she injured in any way, shape or form?

Small injuries to her neck. Where the jewellery was torn away from.

‘Fokk me,’ Kage growled out loud, gritting his teeth and clenching his palms.I didn’t see anything. She was keeping her hands over her neck all the time!

He took a deep breath, barely in control of himself.Mirage, Command Code 120. I’m overriding your protocols. Please send me any vision, surveillance and sound you have of the incident and any instructions she gave you. I need to know who attacked her and why.

Naam,Kage. However, this’ll mean the other Riders will be notified of the override.

Don’t care. Do it. It’s a Sable security matter anyway, given the importance of Harlow’s work.And also given the depth of his feelings for her.


And please keep looking for whatever she lost.

Will do.


Kage pushed into his loft suite, where he paced the ample open space. He wanted to rush across the road, up the lifts and into her suite. Where he’d wrap his arms around his woman. To reassure her. To love on her. To care for her.

But there was no recourse but to wait the storm out. To give Harlow the time and space to come to him when she was ready. He just hoped his gaffe this evening hadn’t cost him too much.

Meanwhile, he’d work with Mirage to find her stolen heirloom and bring it back to her. Whatever it took to lift away the utter despair he’d seen in her eyes.


All the joy in the universe


She got to the shuttle terminal extra early the next day. Partly because she’d struggled to sleep and also because she wanted to be there ahead of time - so that she could pick the seat farthest to Kage as possible. Towards the back of the shuttle.

It turned out all her efforts were in vain because he didn’t show up as usual for the short flight.

Harlow was hit with a hollow emptiness inside. The truth was Kage Sable had grown on her. But after last night, he probably wanted nothing more to do with her sad, envious, weepy self.

Her hands went to her bare neck, and she felt profound loss. A part of her couldn’t deal with losing her grandmama’s necklace on the same day she’d potentially lost the first genuine connection she’d felt with a man, ever.

The shuttle docked at the terminal at Sable Skylab, and Harlow tried to push away her sadness so that she could make way for her work and team.

The day dragged slowly, and she found her attention often wandering away from her work.
