Page 111 of Stars At Dusk

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‘Such mad chemistry,’ she finally breathed, reaching for his ever-beautiful mouth that gave her so much pleasure.

‘For life,’ Kage whispered against her lips, breathing it like a prayer. ‘If I’ve anything to do with it.’


They finally rose hours later. Sated with love, starved for nourishment.

They rolled off the floating bed, and Kage rustled up one of his long white tees for Harlow.

‘Looks like it was always made for you,’ he teased, tapping her bottom as she slid it on.

She squealed, and he laughed, then sobered right up. ‘Y’know I saw that a-hole you went on a date with in Axuma, try to tap that?’

Harlow’s eyes widened. ‘You did?’

‘Did too. And he almost lost his life. Didn’t know then why I reacted so strongly. Now I do.’

‘I don’t,’ Harlow teased with a smirk.

’Tis mine,kara,’ Kage growled, reaching for her and placing both hands firmly on her ass. ‘All mine. No one else but I can ever touch it, nor tap it, not ever again.’

‘Someone’s got ass-ues,’ Harlow laughed.

Kage replied by bending his head and kissing her firmly while stroking her backside, his fingers slipping between her sensual lower lips until she fell weakly against him.

‘See? I own this?’ he murmured against her mouth.

She conceded, lifting her arms in surrender while he seductively kissed her again, leaving her weak and falling against his strong arms.

‘Need some energy,kara?’ he teased. ‘Can’t handle my loving?’

‘So cocky,’ she shot back.

‘Always,’ he promised lustfully.

Harlow pulled away with an exasperated laugh. She searched for her underwear and slid them on.

Kage watched her with a sense of wonder like he almost couldn’t believe she was here, in his home, and that he’d just made love to her, in his bed.

‘I could do with a kahawa,’ she declared, looking up at him.

‘I’ll make it,’ he offered, still unable to tear his eyes away from her.

‘But I’m cooking breakfast. Enough of being spoilt by you,’ Harlow said, waggling a finger at him.

Kage jerked his head in agreement, secretly pleased. ‘Have at it.’

Down a level in his kitchen, Harlow fired up his stove and soon had eggs and bacon in a pan. Kage opened the doors to the terrace and set two places on the beautiful wood table outside.

They worked seamlessly, enjoying each other’s company and the delicious smells from the kitchen.

As the eggs and bacon cooked, Kage sliced up some fresh fruit to go on the side while Harlow toasted sourdough. She tossed a pan of buttery spinach leaves, and he found a bowl to put them in. Once everything was ready, they sat outside and dug in, savouring the taste of their homemade breakfast. While starlight shone down and Eden II’s lunar winds blew softly over them.

He passed her salt, and she handed him pepper. He poured her kahawa, and she pressed her lips to his for it.

‘How domestic are we?’ Harlow teased as they polished up the meal.

‘How domestic do you want to be?’ Kage pushed with a grin, brushing crumbs from his hands and leaning back in his seat. He reached his thick, muscled arms out and stretched, and she shot him a warm smile over the edge of her cup but stayed silent.
