Page 113 of Stars At Dusk

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She gave him a half smile.

‘Give yourself some credit, Harlow,’ he went on. ‘To have endured that shit, emancipated yourself at 15, and built yourself up into the amazing, smart, sexy woman you are today blows me away. Makes me even more enthralled and stunned by you, baby. There is nothing that you can say that would change where I hope we’re going together.’


Her heart warmed. She felt more secure and safe than she’d ever done in her life. The thought overwhelmed her, and she felt a rush of emotion.

She blinked away tears, and he watched her, care written all his face.

Unlike the night she’d bolted, she could now remain in his presence when he showed concern for her. That was enough — more than enough.

‘I respect everything you are and what you’ve been through,’ Kage rasped. ‘I want you to understand that what I feel for you, Harlow is real. And I’m here for the long haul.’

He reached out for her, and she rose, moving to him. He pulled her down onto his lap, and she nestled into him, wrapping her limbs around his large solid frame. Harlow sighed, so deep in her feelings for him, for them and their future possibilities.

‘We need love to relieve pain,kara. And if I can give you some relief, I will,’ he murmured against her hair.

She squeezed him close, willing herself to believe it.

Later, as she showered in his luxury bathroom under the impossibly large rain head, she wondered if Kage truly wanted to give her relief. She’d been so disappointed by the men in her past, and although Kage rocked her world more than any other man had before, she had no idea if he had it in him to go the distance.

She held on to her sanity by remembering the perfection of the last day. A successful launch, a beautiful man and a confession he’d not recoiled to. She knew she was a complicated conundrum but hoped he could handle all her sharp and complex corners.


‘Just finishing up,’ she called back, stepping from the shower onto the heated floor of his bathroom. She wrapped herself in one of his thick towels and dried her hair. Then she wandered into his open space, where Kage pulled on a tracksuit bottom.

‘So no work today means we can play,’ he declared.

‘Oh, we’re playing now, are we?’ she said, changing back into her day old clothes.

‘I’m the King of Play,’ he said, a grin that softened his face, making him seem much younger and carefree. She marvelled at how relaxed he seemed, so far removed from Skylab’s strategic, calculatingkhan. And whatever else he did for The Sable Group.

‘Taking you somewhere,’ he added.

‘In this?’ she said, pointing out her day-old work jumpsuit.

‘We’ll swing by your place. Get you changed,’ he offered.

‘How kind.’

‘Don’t you know it?’

They left his apartment and traversed the Sable complex to her suite. She slipped into a flowing wrap dress that flowed over her curves. Kage’s eyes sparked with appreciation when she emerged from her bedroom.

‘Beauty,kara,’ he whispered, tagging her arm to pull her into his space before lowering his head to hers.

Kage was a kisser as Harlow was deliciously continuing to discover. He took her lips any chance he got. But, of course, it helped that his own were so lush and firm that he frenched like a dream.

Finally, he pulled away just before they christened her bed with yet another lovemaking session.

‘Let’s go,’ he said thickly, panting against her lips. ‘We’ve got to do more than just kick it.’

‘You started it,’ she accused.

He laughed and led her out of the building and into his flyer.

They winged their way across the rock, this time to the west, where she’d never been, arriving at a sprawling destination that seemed to run the length of a large section of the Eden II dome.
