Page 142 of Stars At Dusk

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On the other hand, how could she have a parent alive and not acknowledge them?He’d lost all of his family tragically, so having a parent close by and not being in relationship with them was hard to wrap his head around. To this day, he still mourned his kind, gentle father, his robust and assured mother and the brother who’d been his best friend until he was thirteen. For someone to discard their blood so coldly was profoundly disconcerting to him. He’d move heaven, Eden, and Pegasi to reunite with his family again. But it was not and had never been his portion.

He mused for a few minutes longer. Then he gave in to his love for Harlow. Regardless of how he felt about it, he knew she had to have had a good enough reason to walk away from her mother if the older woman’s statement was valid.

Harlow deserved the benefit of the doubt and a listening ear.

With a sigh, he sent a command to Void X and set the craft on its way to his apartment. Parking the flyer in the underground basement, he entered the elevator and shot into the skies above Eden II.

Koro jerked a chin at him as he exited the lift.

‘Ko’sawa?’ Kage rasped.

‘Ko’sawa, khan,’ the Ccyth mountain grunted, confirming all was well.

Kage stalked towards the burly security guard. ‘Santefor watching over her.’

‘De nada,boss,’ the man grunted.

‘Need you to do something for me, brother,’ Kage said. He reached for the purple sapphire pendant in his jacket and dropped it into Koro’s hands.

‘Please take this to the best Ccyth jewellery workshop in town. Get it cleaned and mounted in the best jewellery box possible, no matter the cost. Have it returned soon as possible. And they can send the bill to me.’

‘Naam. Copy,khan.’

Kage quietly eased into his apartment. Inside, all was silent and serene. He glanced out the windows to where a lunar dawn was rising as the dome adjusted its light above the metropolis. He could see swirls of fine silvery dust playing in the air, kicked up from the tunnels far below. The earlier signs he’d seen of a nascent lunar storm were quickly picking up.

He caught the low sound of Harlow’s breath and silently walked towards his bed. She lay there, her body twisted in the sheets, and he sucked in his breath, drawn to her beauty.

She must have sensed his gaze because her eyes fluttered open as he settled by her side.

‘Kage?’ Her whisper was soft and sweet, trailing straight into his heart.

‘Kara,’ he murmured, bending to touch his lips to hers, breathing in her sultry, heady scent.

It took a moment for her to fully wake then she sat up, hugging her knees, her brow furrowed with concern.

‘Why’re you up?’ she said softly, sending a jolt of sensual heat to his cock.

He battled not to give into it. ‘Something came up. Or rather someone.’

She blinked up at him, confused.

‘Seems both of us need to come clean,kara,’ he said quietly. ‘I’ll start. I’ve known for some time about your pendant necklace. Mirage told me the night it happened.’

Harlow’s shoulders fell. ‘I told her not to,’ she whispered.

‘I know. I overrode her protocols and made her tell me.’

Kage paused for a beat, searching her eyes with his. All he saw was trepidation, and his heart rate picked up at seeing his woman so worried. He reached a hand out to smooth her cheek. ‘I’m not mad you didn’t tell me. You had your reasons. I, however, couldn’t let the robbery stand. So I asked Mirage to find the jewellery, and she did. With the help of a pawnbroker on Eden II.’

‘Someone tried to pawn my necklace?’

‘Naam. They did.’

Harlow bit her lip, and Kage caught a flash of anger in her face. ‘Who was it?’

He took a deep breath. ‘A woman. Older, frail, Allorian by the look of her features,’ he exhaled.

Harlow’s eyes closed in despair. When she opened them again, she turned to look far off in the distance, beyond the vast windows into dawn’s horizon over the lunar city. She pulled her knees higher up and wrapped her hands more tightly around them.
