Page 148 of Stars At Dusk

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Kage dipped his head in respect. ‘Your Highness, our AI will access your devices and then access paths to sensitive data, moving laterally within your systems to get across all comms, emails, channels and personal messaging. We’ll then analyse the data, and we’ll be able to discover who’s behind this and why quickly.’

‘So much to take in,’ King Auban sighed.

‘Tis,’ Kainan said quietly. ‘So let’s leave it at that, Your Highness, Minister. We’ll reach out, as promised on our end, very soon. Review what we send and ask for more should you need it to make a decision. But please get back to us at your earliest convenience. Time is of the essence.’

The Edenites said their farewells and left the call.

The two men in the Rhesian office sat shell-shocked for a long moment.

‘Who can I trust now?’ Prime Minister Terion said.

‘Each other, for now, just like Kainan Sable said,’ the King replied.

They spent the next hour debating the pros and cons of The Sable Group’s solutions.

Once agreed, each man rose to enact their various action items.

Keen eyes tracked Prime Minister Terion’s departure from the King’s office, which followed him as he swept out of the front foyer of the royal office and into a waiting flyer.

A man then stood from his seat in the waiting rooms of the royal foyer and moved rapidly.

He entered an AI chauffeured fly-cab and sent it a command to follow the Prime Minister’s craft. He also swiped a wrist comm and made a call.

‘What happened?’ A voice barked out.

‘Terion met with Auban, and I believe a call from Eden II was patched into the office.’

‘The Sable Group.’

‘Has to be.’

‘Did you listen in?’

‘I couldn’t. The device I placed there a few weeks ago was mysteriously wiped out this morning. During that meeting, there was also a quantum-level shielding I’d never seen before emitting from the King’s office. Nothing we have on Rhesia comes close.’

‘So The Sable Group is onto us then.’

‘You think?’

‘It’s time to get our friends to move things up significantly. We need to hit them where it hurts. And quickly.’


‘I’ll reach out to them.’

‘To the Triumv.’

‘True and sure.’


An unpoetic haiku


1700 and Kage sat in his office, brooding.

He knew Harlow was two doors down, working late.Again. Just like she’d done all week after walking out on him at the Civil Justice Centre.
