Page 164 of Stars At Dusk

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The kinai just set off three of the remaining active missiles hovering over Skylab,Mirage called out. Zane caught one of them and delayed its explosion, the other I managed to hack and explode above the dome but the one made it through before a section of the dome lattice closed over. Kage, ko’sawa?

Despite his suit’s protection and reinforced metanoids, Kage felt gut-punched by the force of the missiles going off. He gasped for air under his helmet as warning lights flashed inside his HUD.I’ll live.

Faron?Mirage asked

Not so sure,Kane sighed.The shockwave threw me off the pad.

I’ve got him,came Zane’s quiet voice.He’s also freewheeling through the skies. The dome must have shattered when the single missile went through, and you both got sucked out into space with that shockwave.

Kage’s suit gave off loud alerts, and he strained to hear his brother.


There was a beat. Then Zane sighed.Yes. But not for long.

Kage cursed under his breath.Can someone take care of this kinai, please, once and for all?

Zane chuckled.Leave it with me.

Kage winced as he rolled slowly through space.Anyone close by to pick me up?

Hang tight, brother. Help is on its way.


‘Warning. Regulators failing. Battery at 17% charge.’

His shimmer suit yelled out as Faron tumbled aimlessly through space. It’s shielding flickered dangerously, and his HUD dinged with low oxygen and extreme cold alerts. Worse, as soon as its battery died, the suit would recede into its pack, and he’d no longer be protected from the vacuum of space.

He calculated he’d four more hours if he kept his breathing steady and nothing else untoward occurred.

Minutes earlier, he’d sent out a weak SOS signal, hoping against all hope someone would respond. He searched the vast expanse of the skies for a sign of life, bobbing around in a state of weightlessness, a miniature shadow against the ever-changing vast expanse of stars, galaxies and celestial bodies.

With a snarl, Faron assessed his life choices. He reflected on the course of life that had brought him to this point. And he deduced his greed-driven decisions had led him to this juncture. He felt grief for his lost clones and a bitter rage at The Sable Group for their unyielding ability to unravel his plans. Whether it was poor strategy on his end or The Sable Group’s prowess, he couldn’t say. Nevertheless, he felt the need to conduct a thorough post-Sable evaluation analysinghow-the-actual-hellit had all gone so wrong against the projected confidence of the Rinnax family, The Klastsch and those pompous, over-promising Rhesian overlords.

It’s a little too late for self-awareness, he heard a voice say.

He was instantly flooded with panic and thrashed around, trying to see where the voice was coming from.

He finally sensed a powerful presence. In his mind, no less.

You fokked up and played with the wrong people, Rinnax,the voice went on.

Faron’s mind stuttered in confusion.I … Who are you?

The voice sounded amused.Who I am is unimportant. What is important is thatI felt it necessary to return your property. Take a look behind you.

Faron wheeled around to see the last remaining missile bearing down in his location.

He flailed wildly to evade it. It was no use.

The presence receded with one final whisper.

Kwaheri. Goodbye.

Seconds later, Faron Rinnax donated the entirety of his physiological mass to Pegasi’s molecular ecosystem, disappearing into eternal stardust.

