Page 166 of Stars At Dusk

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While he’d been recuperating, she’d found out precisely what had gone down from Mirage, Kainan and Zane in the lead-up to the explosions at Skylab.

She’d shuddered at the news of Kage’s kidnap, his torture, the Riders’ daring rescue, his flight to save them at Skylab and the ensuing explosion that had launched him sky-high into space. Nevertheless, she’d shown a brave face to his brothers as they’d downloaded the events, only allowing herself to cry when they left her alone, with him, at his side in the rejuv unit.

Ki’Remi, the Rider’s most reclusive member, had emerged from the depths of his clinic at the centre of the subterranean Pikani settlements to provide Kage with his brand of silent medical care, complete with a mysterious alchemic touch. He’d ensured Kage was healing well before disappearing again to continue to the rescue and medical aid rendered to the few hundred Pikani people injured in the rock falls caused by Faron Rinnax’s careless actions.

As soon as he was awake, Kage insisted on returning to his space. So Harlow had moved back into his apartment and nursed him.

She’d pampered him with homemade meals, long baths and massages, and when he couldn’t bear the four walls any more, taken long walks with him through the lunar city’s sprawling nature parks. They watched old holo films and eaten buckets of popcorn washed down with mimosas and beers. While still all about Kage’s recovery, it’d been bliss as they luxuriated in the relief of rediscovering each other once more.

Finally, a week after the explosion, they were both ready to face the reality of the damage that Faron Rinnax had wrought.

Kage had promised Harlow that he’d take her to what remained of Skylab to see what had been retrieved from her office. She was naturally concerned about losing all her research and wanted to get there soon, but he’d insisted on this side trip first into the depths of Eden II. A jaunt she had no clue of and was naturally nervous about.

The lift stopped gently, and the doors slid open to reveal a stunningly gorgeous creature.

Harlow was mesmerised, dropping Kage’s hand to frame her face in a gasp. Before her stood a darkly beautiful synthetic humanoid, bright energy shimmering just beneath its ebony skin. The figure was a perfect blend of masculine and feminine, wearing an extravagant tuxedo vest atop a full-skirted, jade beaded gown. Its jade green eyes shone with life and vitality.

‘Welcome to my home,’ the creature said, and Harlow took a step back, recognising the voice.


‘The one and only.’

Harlow clapped her hands together. ‘Holy Dunia. How fabulous! I never knew you could show up looking like this!’

‘Just something Kage and I have been working on. I’ve always dreamt of a synth body. I was tired of being locked up in a console or flying about in gyrfalcon form. It was time to come out of the box. And you’re the first to see me in all my fabulousness.’

Mirage twirled, and Harlow shook her head, still lost in disbelief. ‘Well, you sure can turn it up, Mirage. Love those shoes!’

Mirage stuck out her bejewelled feet for Harlow to have a closer look. ‘I do like a little bit of sparkle in my accessories.’

‘Truly a queen!’

‘Takes one to know one, honey!’

A small smile tugged at Kage’s lips. ‘Are you two done fan-girling each other?’

Mirage stuck a bright purple tongue out at Kage. ‘Never, party pooper.’ She turned to Harlow. ‘Let’s ignore him and do our own thing.’


‘From what I remember, you’re a mimosa girl, right?’

‘Why yes!

‘Then allow me.’

‘Nothing for me, thanks.’ Kage heading inside and retreating to the back of the room to scroll through his comm tab as Mirage led Harlow to a couch and proceeded to the mirrored bar to prepare the cocktail.

Harlow was in awe as she waited, taking in the tasteful furnishings and rose and white velvet accents decorating Mirage’s ‘home.’ The floors and walls radiated with luminous strands, energy strings and electrical art that vibrated and coalesced into captivating patterns and vistas.

‘This place is magnificent.’

‘Tis. It’s set inside an artificial cave several hundred feet below Eden II within a pinhole crater that we carved out alongside the rubble carted out while constructing the Sable complex. A significant amount of heat is generated by my core, so the tunnels are perfect for venting out any heat and exhaust gasses.’

At the centre of the reception room was a large crystal floating above a mounted stand.

‘Is that -?’ Harlow ventured.
