Page 170 of Stars At Dusk

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He paused for a beat, reliving the long-gone horror, then he shook his head and pushed on.

‘The warriors took me into custody, but after the supportive accounts of the mental and physical torture he’d brought on us from the other boys with me, they dropped the matter. Strangely enough, the incident brought me to the attention of the local Edenite commander.’

‘And that’s how I was recruited to their academy and met Kainan. He and Zane stuck by my side during my rehab, hardly leaving my side, walking with me through the storms of my flashbacks. They waited patiently as I overcame my muteness, trauma, and shock and became my brothers, replacing the family I’d lost. The rest, you know.’

He hushed her when she reacted with a soft moan. ‘The thing is, I know pain, I know heartache, I know sorrow. I know the darkness so well that when I see the light, I run to it, hold onto it and cherish it. I was born to chase the starlight. And you are my starlight, Harlow. You may not see it, but you light up this moon with joy, sass, and courage. Sokara, will you let us build a life of light together?’

Harlow took her man’s hands in hers, and kissed them slowly, reverently. ‘Kage Sable, you don’t need to ask because you’re already there. If I’m your starlight, then you’re my sun. Your belief in me, your hope and your love - has burnt out my darkness. I now know I couldn’t live without you.’

He gave her a long, searching look. ‘No more running, hiding or asking for time out?’

Harlow shook her head emphatically. ‘No more, love. I promise.’

They kissed again, deeper, longer and more passionately.

Kage leaned back, biting his lip. ‘Need you,kara, now.’

‘What are you waiting for, Sable, permission?’

His expression intensified, and then she yelped as he bent over and lifted her into his arms. Moments later, he flung her onto his bed.

‘Everything off,’ he commanded, shucking his clothes.

Harlow obeyed as her core clenched, slick with arousal.

‘I’m going to ravage you, baby,’ he warned as the glyphs over his shoulders danced. ‘You ready?’

She nodded wordlessly as she slid off her pants.

He prowled over her and widened her thighs, settling between her body. He stroked her mound and slid a skilled finger between her folds, and she arched into his touch.

He withdrew his hand and licked his fingers, then bending over her long and low, like a predator over his prey, he slid his cock into her tight, wet core. She gasped and pulled him closer. Then he began to move slowly, almost reverently.

They stared into each other’s inner aura, falling with a more profound intensity and intimacy they’d never shared before.

Their bodies shuddered as each stroke pulled them closer together and ramped up the sensation between them.

Kage bent his head further to capture Harlow’s lips. ‘Never again,kara, never leave me again,’ he murmured.

‘I’m not going anywhere, Sable, not any more. I love you too much, and my heart would break if I did.’

He pulled his lips away from hers and nailed her with an intense gaze, even as he continued slicking in and out of her. ‘This is forever, Harlow.’

She stroked his face, biting her lip as the pleasure between them became unbearable. ‘Naam. Until the stars fall from the sky,’ she promised him.

He narrowed his eyes. ‘I’ll hold you to it.’

With a quick move, he flipped her to her stomach and reentered her, working his hips faster. She arched her back and pushed back into him as their pleasure ascended.

Then they both crescendoed as one, Kage with a long groan as he gave himself to a white-hot orgasm, while Harlow bucked against him as she crested with a deep moan.

Breathing hard, they slumped to the bed, limbs tangled against each other.

‘It’s funny,’ she said a little later, easing her thigh over him and reaching a hand to squeeze him tightly close.

He squeezed her back, walling her up against him. ‘What’s funny?’

‘That I met you the same night I decided to transform my life, just when I’d made up my mind to be free and single for a year, so I could get my head screwed back on straight.’
